Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => Rose Administration Building => Topic started by: SUPERCOACH on December 16, 2014, 02:17:36 AM

Title: Avatar Sizes
Post by: SUPERCOACH on December 16, 2014, 02:17:36 AM
I have been getting some questions about the change in the size of the avatars.  I recently made a change to the site to allow the avatars to fill all of the available space so that we could see them better.  They are automatically scaled to different sizes depending on where they are being displayed on the page.

There are some really nice, high-res avatars on the site and it is a shame that they are always so tiny that you can't appreciate all of the details.  So when they are displayed in an area of the page that has more room, they will now fill up the space instead of showing a tiny avatar with a lot of blank space around it.

It is a work in progress and I still need to make a few tweaks.

Title: Re: Avatar Sizes
Post by: 2Stater on December 16, 2014, 05:42:26 AM
Looks good to me. Bama57 looks more crotchety, Chech looks like a Mountain Lion instead of a house cat and my golfing Saban looks taller. He'll appreciate that.

Title: Re: Avatar Sizes
Post by: Chechem on December 16, 2014, 06:07:32 AM
Looks good to me. Bama57 looks more crotchety, Chech looks like a Mountain Lion instead of a house cat and my golfing Saban looks taller. He'll appreciate that.

My "User Info" image is waaaaaay too big, and isn't a sharp enough image to warrant such a big size (plus it pushes my options down the page so it's a hassle to leave it open as I usually do).

It's this size and appearance:


Title: Re: Avatar Sizes
Post by: SUPERCOACH on December 16, 2014, 12:52:55 PM
Looks good to me. Bama57 looks more crotchety, Chech looks like a Mountain Lion instead of a house cat and my golfing Saban looks taller. He'll appreciate that.

My "User Info" image is waaaaaay too big, and isn't a sharp enough image to warrant such a big size (plus it pushes my options down the page so it's a hassle to leave it open as I usually do).

It's this size and appearance:


Right, that is one of the tweaks I need to finish.  Your actual image is 100 pixels wide but it is being stretched out to 280 to fill up the spot.  I only need to display it at 280 if the actual image is 280 or more.  If it is smaller than that I need to show it at actual size.  Then it won't stretch it out and make it blurry, and people who want a smaller one can just upload a smaller one.  Yours will just work since you already have a smaller one.

In other words, if the image is too large I need to shrink it down to 280, otherwise leave it alone and display it at actual size.  I had that in place but it made the page load time go from 1/10th of a second to 30 seconds, so I had to disable it for now.  I have a plan that will work without increasing page load times, I just need to find a little time to work on it.  I will try to get it fixed in the next couple of days.

Title: Re: Avatar Sizes
Post by: bama57 on December 16, 2014, 02:29:21 PM
Looks good to me. Bama57 looks more crotchety, Chech looks like a Mountain Lion instead of a house cat and my golfing Saban looks taller. He'll appreciate that.
"he was tired and crotchety"
synonyms:   bad-tempered, irascible, irritable, grumpy, grouchy, cantankerous, short-tempered, tetchy, testy, curmudgeonly, ill-tempered, ill-humored, ill-natured, cross-grained, peevish, cross, fractious, pettish, waspish, crabbed, crabby, crusty, prickly, touchy, snappish, snappy, cranky, ornery
"it's the dreadful arthritis that has made him so crotchety" :-[

Title: Re: Avatar Sizes
Post by: SUPERCOACH on December 16, 2014, 04:27:07 PM
This is fixed now.  It will not stretch your avatar any more.  If you have a large one, it will scale it down to fit in the available space.

Title: Re: Avatar Sizes
Post by: Chechem on December 16, 2014, 04:43:18 PM
This is fixed now.  It will not stretch your avatar any more.  If you have a large one, it will scale it down to fit in the available space.

WOOOT.  I can use my page again.

E-cred to you, sir!