Title: Bama brethren needs help Post by: 2Stater on December 16, 2014, 09:28:59 AM RhinoGuy is a poster over at Woolly and lives in Tuscaloosa. He lost his house in the 2011 tornado. Friday, he lost his new house and 2 dogs in a fire. He and his wife were not home at the time. They started a fundraiser over at Woolly and I've copied the link. Anyone wishing to help, click on it and donate. Anyone who has spent any time at Woolly knows RhinoGuy, and knows he's one of the good guys.
http://www.gofundme.com/isyf94?fb_action_ids=10102769707086865&fb_action_types=og.shares&fb_ref=fb_d_m_j1&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B741990835870434%5D&action_type_map=%5B%22og.shares%22%5D&action_ref_map=%5B%22fb_d_m_j1%22%5D Title: Re: Bama brethren needs help Post by: ricky023 on December 16, 2014, 10:50:40 AM I have Rhinoguy and his family in our prayers. It is sad that people like us are so weak in finances that we can't help that way. Sorry for their loss. Blessings of Heaven be poured out on them. RTR!
Title: Re: Bama brethren needs help Post by: 2Stater on December 16, 2014, 10:52:57 AM I have Rhinoguy and his family in our prayers. It is sad that people like us are so weak in finances that we can't help that way. Sorry for their loss. Blessings of Heaven be poured out on them. RTR! Prayers are better than money, Preacher! |