Title: Good article from Cecil Hurt about tOSU... Post by: carl childers on March 09, 2011, 09:39:51 AM http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1198023 (http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1198023)
Let's see if the NCAA is willing to do anything about the "perceived" regional bias in enforcement. Title: Re: Good article from Cecil Hurt about tOSU... Post by: Marshal Dillon on March 09, 2011, 09:45:40 AM http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1198023 (http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1198023) Let's see if the NCAA is willing to do anything about the "perceived" regional bias in enforcement. Excellent article, thanks for posting. He is nailing it perfectly. The NCAA is setting itself up for a HUGE lawsuit if some coach, player, or university doesn't like the penalty it gets, especially if it's anything harsh. Title: Re: Good article from Cecil Hurt about tOSU... Post by: pmull on March 09, 2011, 10:11:46 AM Excellant acticle by Cecil. The NCAA has to hit them with a stiffer punishment than the school has proposed.
Title: Re: Good article from Cecil Hurt about tOSU... Post by: ssmith general on March 09, 2011, 12:26:16 PM Excellant acticle by Cecil. The NCAA has to hit them with a stiffer punishment than the school has proposed. Dont hold your breathe*. Title: Re: Good article from Cecil Hurt about tOSU... Post by: ricky023 on March 09, 2011, 12:34:41 PM Well we know what happen. The school and coach got a handslap and the bias continues. RTR!
Title: Re: Good article from Cecil Hurt about tOSU... Post by: BAMAWV on March 09, 2011, 12:56:46 PM This should not have been treated this lightly from the start. OSU, or any university, does not get to pick which NCAA rules they think are good and which rules should not be enforced. Their entire argument has been, "It was the player's gear to sell". The NCAA says no and calls it enrichment due to the player's status as players. Toss in the FACT, admitted last night by OSU, that Tressel knew all this since January but chose to lie and you have a whole new violation scenario.
Title: Re: Good article from Cecil Hurt about tOSU... Post by: ssmith general on March 09, 2011, 12:59:19 PM This should not have been treated this lightly from the start. OSU, or any university, does not get to pick which NCAA rules they think are good and which rules should not be enforced. Their entire argument has been, "It was the player's gear to sell". The NCAA says no and calls it enrichment due to the player's status as players. Toss in the FACT, admitted last night by OSU, that Tressel knew all this since January but chose to lie and you have a whole new violation scenario. Sounds like the definition of 'lack of institutional control'. Sounds like their compliance department is joke. Send them down to puerto rico to play in the death penalty league with the boogers. Title: Re: Good article from Cecil Hurt about tOSU... Post by: ricky023 on March 09, 2011, 01:00:27 PM Hey BamaWV you to keep in mind that the Big Ten has never been punished harsh but one time. When OSU-Forgot his name- hit the Clemson player in the bowl game. RTR!
Title: Re: Good article from Cecil Hurt about tOSU... Post by: BAMAWV on March 09, 2011, 01:16:21 PM Hey BamaWV you to keep in mind that the Big Ten has never been punished harsh but one time. When OSU-Forgot his name- hit the Clemson player in the bowl game. RTR! You must mean Woody Hayes. The NCAA has not ruled yet in this case, but they hammered CRR at UM and OSU in the Maurice Clarret thing. Only PSU and Northwestern have gone unscathed in the last 55 years. Minnesota and Wisconsin lead the way in Big 10 violations, with Illinois close behind. Title: Re: Good article from Cecil Hurt about tOSU... Post by: ricky023 on March 09, 2011, 01:30:39 PM Yes that was him. Thank you I could not recall his name to save my life. RTR!