Title: "Alabama LB good friends with Buckeye QB while Ohio-product Tide center hears from OSU pals" Post by: WALL-E on December 18, 2014, 08:08:02 PM Alabama LB good friends with Buckeye QB while Ohio-product Tide center hears from OSU pals
Title: Re: "Alabama LB good friends with Buckeye QB while Ohio-product Tide center hears from OSU pals" Post by: 2Stater on December 18, 2014, 10:58:02 PM Quote Injured Buckeye quarterback Braxton Miller is also from Springfield. DePriest called him a "best friend" a year ago and said they spoke frequently. Back in 2010, the highly-recruited linebacker chose Alabama over Ohio State to the surprise of his high school coach. ...and a pleasant surprise for Bama!!! I hope Trey shows out against tOSU. |