Title: Preseason Analysis of Alabama’s 2011 Football Squad Post by: ssmith general on July 26, 2011, 03:11:14 PM Quote To begin my break-down of the 2011 Alabama football team, I want to first say that without question, this has to be one of the most hyped football teams Alabama has had in recent years as far as the media is concerned. Not that they don't deserve it, they just haven't had the chance to earn it yet. That will come this fall when the football season kicksoff for the Alabama Crimson Tide. Then they can prove that they are worthy of all the expectations that have been placed upon them. The defensive talent and potential has been likened to that of the 2009 and even the 1992 National Championship teams by many people. The two highly touted quarterbacks, either of which will be making their first start as a college football player, were at the top of their respective recruiting classes when they signed to play at the University of Alabama and have the skills to make a big impact in the game this fall. The Crimson Tide has consistently had top recruiting classes over the last several years. This has left the team packed full of talent, providing more then enough players to make plays in different areas on special teams. No doubt about it, there is definitely great potential for success with the composition of this team. Even the schedule is more favorable then it was last year. At least as favorable as it can be in the Southeastern Conference. From a pacle called 'Crimson Tide Zone' More - http://www.crimsontidezone.com/?p=9657 Title: Re: Preseason Analysis of Alabama’s 2011 Football Squad Post by: ricky023 on July 26, 2011, 03:33:45 PM Now that is a description I can handle. I do however think that some of this hype is useless until we get on the field. We had all the paperwork last year to do a back to back but we flopped with injuries to 3 losses. We also have to have back-ups in place to come in and play for some rest in games. It is going to be a great year to watch, win, lose or draw. RTR!