Title: The debt debate and my Congressman Post by: ricky023 on July 26, 2011, 03:44:10 PM I have written my Congressman and Senator. I spoke at limit about the debt debate, and my thoughts. I pointed out that we veterans would need to keep our services and possibly make them better.
My other issue was the debt deabte. I ask both Representatvies in Senate and House to vote no debt limit over 1 Trillion dollars to keep us going then cut some of the aides and some of the useless programs. I also requested drug tests for SSI recipents. Does it violate rights, no if your not guilty, you won't mind it at all. It is like taking a sobriety check from the police if your not drinking. It won't bother you. I think we are at a point that our people in this country need to speak up at the Polls and to our Reps who suppose to be working for us. This is my opinion do you have one? RTR! Title: Re: The debt debate and my Congressman Post by: 2Stater on July 26, 2011, 09:39:46 PM Preacher, what you said about drug testing is fair for those drawing a check who don't/ can't work. But here is the problem with that. It will cost tax payers more money for the program to have them drug tested. More importantly, many of them will test positive. If you cut off their funds, what happens to their children? Those children will suffer and if it gets to the point of neglect, which many of them would, then you are overloading the child services system. More money paid in by the tax payers. It's a tough problem and I don't pretend to know the answer, but my philosophy in this life has always been "Don't hurt the children". JMHO.
Title: Re: The debt debate and my Congressman Post by: ricky023 on July 27, 2011, 11:17:47 AM Well 2stater I agree with you about the children because I live by the words "suffer the little children to come unto me." If the parents have any kind of morals won't they take their children into their hearts, of what will be the cost if they do dope. I mean my child or my drugs, it has to be your children right? Even druggies has to have a heart for their kids. The money that it cost in a year would the checks not cover that and more?
Now we come to jobs for these people, we don't have jobs of course but would they not come to some sort of priorities to protect their children? RTR! Title: Re: The debt debate and my Congressman Post by: 2Stater on July 27, 2011, 08:13:16 PM I've seen what drug addicted parents often do with thier children. Many don't have a heart. With them, it ain't pretty. If drug tested, will some of those people come to their senses and become responsible parents? Sure they will. But my guess is about 1/4 of them or less. My question is, what happens to the other 3/4? The light doesn't go off in these people to love, nurture and take care of their children, just because they have children. Not trying to burst your bubble, Preacher, but I've seen too much of it.
Title: Re: The debt debate and my Congressman Post by: SUPERCOACH on July 27, 2011, 08:14:35 PM Which is all the more reason to test them and get the kids out of there, IMHO.
Title: Re: The debt debate and my Congressman Post by: ricky023 on July 28, 2011, 10:45:25 AM Well I do of course agree with you both to an extint but 2stater brought up the question of what happens to the children and I didn't think of that, do they get in a system and get lost through the cracks. RTR!
Title: Re: The debt debate and my Congressman Post by: SUPERCOACH on July 28, 2011, 10:48:58 AM A lot of those kids will be better off lost in the system somewhere. At least they would have a little bit of a chance to do something different than what they grow up seeing their parents doing.
Title: Re: The debt debate and my Congressman Post by: 2Stater on July 28, 2011, 05:37:46 PM A lot of those kids will be better off lost in the system somewhere. At least they would have a little bit of a chance to do something different than what they grow up seeing their parents doing. SC, fact is, they lose either way. There is no easy answer. In Che & MD's epic thread about immigration, Che made a good point about tax dollars wisely spent by training & education. This is a good idea for the indigents who are able to work. Instead of week after week, or month after month, paying these people hand over fist to do nothing, make it mandatory for them to attend training/ educational sessions, with an end goal of job placement. Let the employers, who do the hiring, perform the drug testing at their expense. But then we are back to the original problem; What to do with the violaters' children. :( Title: Re: The debt debate and my Congressman Post by: rueben on August 09, 2011, 07:36:27 PM Obviously the ones getting caught were spending money on drugs, not on their children.
Plus, most of those kids are already in the system, or will be shortly. |