Title: UA clarifies stance on menswear shop Post by: pmull on July 26, 2011, 07:25:30 PM The University of Alabama disassociated T-Town Menswear shop owner Tom Al Betar from the program in a letter dated March 31, the school announced in a release Tuesday, but has found no violations in a review of the store's relationship with UA student-athletes.
"Due to the concerns expressed in our letter to Mr. Albetar dated March 31, 2011, we disassociated him from our program. As we always do in matters of this nature, we discussed this matter with the SEC Office," UA Compliance Director Mike Ward said. "Because we found no evidence of any NCAA violation, we did not self-report a violation. UA will continue to be proactive in all areas of compliance monitoring." http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1244387 Title: Re: UA clarifies stance on menswear shop Post by: Chechem on July 26, 2011, 07:36:12 PM (http://possumblog.mu.nu/images/Photos%20of%20Birmingham.jpg)
"So there." Title: Re: UA clarifies stance on menswear shop Post by: td57 on July 27, 2011, 06:51:47 AM Here’s what make me mad about this whole thing. The first story about suits to come out was the Montgomery guy catering to barn players……..where’s that story now, where’s all the follow up about how the barn is on top of any infractions? Where are all the interviews with former players being accused of wrong doing? Where is the barn compliance director explaining how they have been handling the issue through the SEC and communication with the store owner?
Once again it seems the correct way to handle situations like this is to ignore it long enough and it will go away. To thumb your nose at the inept NCAA and to openly laugh at the SEC office when they mention compliance. What is one to think of the media here in Alabama when they jump all over possible Bama wrong doings but ignore the barn on a similar issue, when the barn is most likely guilty? Before I get off my stump let me just say Roll Tide and I hope the players stay focused and stomp a mud hole in jerdin hair cow field with those barners. fin Title: Re: UA clarifies stance on menswear shop Post by: Chechem on July 27, 2011, 07:02:00 AM Here’s what make me mad about this whole thing. The first story about suits to come out was the Montgomery guy catering to barn players……..where’s that story now, where’s all the follow up about how the barn is on top of any infractions? Where are all the interviews with former players being accused of wrong doing? Where is the barn compliance director explaining how they have been handling the issue through the SEC and communication with the store owner? Once again it seems the correct way to handle situations like this is to ignore it long enough and it will go away. To thumb your nose at the inept NCAA and to openly laugh at the SEC office when they mention compliance. What is one to think of the media here in Alabama when they jump all over possible Bama wrong doings but ignore the barn on a similar issue, when the barn is most likely guilty? Before I get off my stump let me just say Roll Tide and I hope the players stay focused and stomp a mud hole in jerdin hair cow field with those barners. fin Well said, TD. The big difference is the Boogers are amidst an NCAA investigation (whether they admit it or not). The Montgomery story was part of it. Boogs aren't going to do anything to explain their own failings when they can whine that "Bama is guilty too". It's their MO; they fingerpoint like an 8-year-old girl. (http://theteachingpalette.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/tattletale-image.jpg) Title: Re: UA clarifies stance on menswear shop Post by: BAMAWV on July 27, 2011, 07:03:25 AM We tried the thumbing nose approach once before and it did not work well. Let the barn chose their approach and we shall continue with ours. I know we seem to have been waiting a long time (for the hammer to drop on the barn), but in NCAA time, this is just a blip. Patience, grasshoppers!
Title: Re: UA clarifies stance on menswear shop Post by: td57 on July 27, 2011, 07:18:38 AM The boogs certainly have perfected the art of finger pointing, that's for sure.
I remember thumbing our nose at the NCAA. Last year when Hootie Ingram was introduced before a game I couldn't belive it. But....water under the bridge now. And you're right, the bible teaches patience is a virtue, that's good enough for me. Title: Re: UA clarifies stance on menswear shop Post by: SUPERCOACH on July 27, 2011, 07:54:05 AM Prediction: Alabama flushes the boogs 56 to 0 at cheesewiz toilets at pat dye field at jordan hare stadium on the ugliest village idiot on the plains, and you can blee dat. You can take it to Bobby's corrupt and bankrupt bank.
Roll Tide! That is all. Oh wait... I think... yes... I AM NOW OFFICIALLY FIRED UP!!!! WOOOOOOOOO! YEA! YEA! YEA! YEAH! Only 38 days and counting. Now where is that SERIOUS thread? Title: Re: UA clarifies stance on menswear shop Post by: BAMAWV on July 27, 2011, 08:23:04 AM Prediction: Alabama flushes the boogs 56 to 0 at cheesewiz toilets at pat dye field at jordan hare stadium on the ugliest village idiot on the plains, and you can blee dat. You can take it to Bobby's corrupt and bankrupt bank. So you're not really that big an AU fan?Roll Tide! That is all. Oh wait... I think... yes... I AM NOW OFFICIALLY FIRED UP!!!! WOOOOOOOOO! YEA! YEA! YEA! YEAH! Only 38 days and counting. Now where is that SERIOUS thread? Title: Re: UA clarifies stance on menswear shop Post by: SUPERCOACH on July 27, 2011, 08:31:10 AM Not really.
Then WE roll toomer's corner. Title: Re: UA clarifies stance on menswear shop Post by: BAMAWV on July 27, 2011, 08:36:03 AM Not really. They owe us a good rolling to make up for the $$$ y'all sent 'em on the dying trees false alarm.Then WE roll toomer's corner. Title: Re: UA clarifies stance on menswear shop Post by: SUPERCOACH on July 27, 2011, 08:44:56 AM I think we own those trees now.
Title: Re: UA clarifies stance on menswear shop Post by: BAMAWV on July 27, 2011, 08:54:06 AM I think we own those trees now. Build a tree house. Tire swing. Board ladder.Title: Re: UA clarifies stance on menswear shop Post by: carl childers on July 27, 2011, 12:39:32 PM The boogs certainly have perfected the art of finger pointing, that's for sure. I remember thumbing our nose at the NCAA. Last year when Hootie Ingram was introduced before a game I couldn't belive it. But....water under the bridge now. And you're right, the bible teaches patience is a virtue, that's good enough for me. Or as I heard a father said to his daughter in a parent conference, "patience is a virgin." I almost broke my finger biting it to keep from laughing. :) Title: Re: UA clarifies stance on menswear shop Post by: BAMAWV on July 27, 2011, 01:45:13 PM The boogs certainly have perfected the art of finger pointing, that's for sure. I remember thumbing our nose at the NCAA. Last year when Hootie Ingram was introduced before a game I couldn't belive it. But....water under the bridge now. And you're right, the bible teaches patience is a virtue, that's good enough for me. Or as I heard a father said to his daughter in a parent conference, "patience is a virgin." I almost broke my finger biting it to keep from laughing. :) Title: Re: UA clarifies stance on menswear shop Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on July 27, 2011, 06:12:54 PM Not really. They owe us a good rolling to make up for the $$$ y'all sent 'em on the dying trees false alarm.Then WE roll toomer's corner. That's just too funny to call it a dying tree false alarm. Now ESPN is doing a 30-30 show about Alabama and boogers BCS titles. And Updykes stars in it some where. 8) 8) |