Title: RIP: Elly May Clampett Post by: Chechem on January 03, 2015, 05:51:07 AM :(
(http://ll-media.tmz.com/2015/01/02/0102-donna-douglas-getty-6.jpg) Donna Douglas Title: Re: RIP: Elly May Clampett Post by: Jamos on January 03, 2015, 06:11:35 AM The show was a favorite of everybody. :clap:
RIP :pray: Title: Re: RIP: Elly May Clampett Post by: pmull on January 03, 2015, 08:09:14 AM :stop: Please post on correct board. The Quad is for sports related topics only.
Title: Re: RIP: Elly May Clampett Post by: Chechem on January 03, 2015, 10:10:53 AM :stop: Please post on correct board. The Quad is for sports related topics only. I planned to move it today, but wanted to share the news where everyone would see it. Go kick a puppy if you need a release. :lol2: Title: Re: RIP: Elly May Clampett Post by: 2Stater on January 03, 2015, 11:35:10 AM Little Jimmy Dickens passed away, too. He was 94. I wonder if they buried him with that cold tater?
Title: Re: RIP: Elly May Clampett Post by: ricky023 on January 03, 2015, 11:47:41 AM She was a favorite. I remember back in the 60's when Wednesday night service did not go past time to get home and watch the Hillbillies. lol RTR!
Title: Re: RIP: Elly May Clampett Post by: Chechem on January 03, 2015, 12:12:57 PM She was a favorite. I remember back in the 60's when Wednesday night service did not go past time to get home and watch the Hillbillies. lol RTR! #+ My kind of church! Title: Re: RIP: Elly May Clampett Post by: Jamos on January 04, 2015, 10:51:05 AM She was a favorite. I remember back in the 60's when Wednesday night service did not go past time to get home and watch the Hillbillies. lol RTR! #+ My kind of church! :lol: Title: Re: RIP: Elly May Clampett Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on March 09, 2015, 10:37:50 AM Little Jimmy Dickens passed away, too. He was 94. I wonder if they buried him with that cold tater? My parents have been going to the Grand Ole Opry at least once a year for as long as I can remember. I heard Little Jimmy tell the same old jokes and sing the same 2 or 3 songs more times than I can count. Somehow, I will still miss it. I just saw an episode of Hee Haw last night that had Little Jimmy as a musical guest. He sang two of the same songs he always sang years later on the Opry and even told a few short jokes. "Hello, I'm Little Jimmy Dickens, or Willie Nelson after taxes..." |