Title: BR: Alabama Deals with Gunner Kiel Loss by Turning Up Heat on Greyson Lambert Post by: pmull on July 29, 2011, 09:46:18 AM During a recent summer camp for high school students at the University of Alabama, Greyson Lambert, from Jessup, Georgia, came in and left coaches open-mouthed with his zinging tight spirals and big 6'5'', 210-pound frame.
Though Rivals doesn't even have him ranked nationally and he was only rated as the 28th-best in the state of Georgia, the coaches really liked what they saw in this pro-style passer. The Alabama coaches had seem him last year and thought he may have potential, but this year they were amazed in the amount of progress he's made in a year. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/783846-alabama-deals-with-gunner-kiel-loss-by-turning-up-heat-on-greyson-lambert Title: Re: BR: Alabama Deals with Gunner Kiel Loss by Turning Up Heat on Greyson Lambert Post by: Jamos on July 29, 2011, 11:06:26 AM Hmmm, this tells me that Winston won't be at Bama
Title: Re: BR: Alabama Deals with Gunner Kiel Loss by Turning Up Heat on Greyson Lambert Post by: BAMAWV on July 29, 2011, 11:08:45 AM During a recent summer camp for high school students at the University of Alabama, Greyson Lambert, from Jessup, Georgia, came in and left coaches open-mouthed with his zinging tight spirals and big 6'5'', 210-pound frame. Seems like a crackerjack-ace reporter like LB would have included at least one direct quote. ??? Just kidding. 28th in the state of Georgia? Just kidding again. Though Rivals doesn't even have him ranked nationally and he was only rated as the 28th-best in the state of Georgia, the coaches really liked what they saw in this pro-style passer. The Alabama coaches had seem him last year and thought he may have potential, but this year they were amazed in the amount of progress he's made in a year. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/783846-alabama-deals-with-gunner-kiel-loss-by-turning-up-heat-on-greyson-lambert Title: Re: BR: Alabama Deals with Gunner Kiel Loss by Turning Up Heat on Greyson Lambert Post by: McBaman on July 29, 2011, 11:49:41 AM You can't count on Winston. That MLB $$$ will be tooooooooo good.