Title: My Fun Friday Evening Post by: rueben on July 30, 2011, 10:04:53 PM http://www.rickeystokesnews.com/article.php/update-at-7-35-pm-structure-fire-on-west-powell-20587 (http://www.rickeystokesnews.com/article.php/update-at-7-35-pm-structure-fire-on-west-powell-20587)
Title: Re: My Fun Friday Evening Post by: ssmith general on July 31, 2011, 07:31:23 AM Hmm... friday evening after closing.
I call jewish lightening. (http://www.rickeystokesnews.com/images/articles/_RSN3811_small.jpg) Title: Re: My Fun Friday Evening Post by: S-AL-Tider on July 31, 2011, 08:01:23 AM Looks like a visit to Houlagens was in order after that :D
Title: Re: My Fun Friday Evening Post by: rueben on July 31, 2011, 09:14:22 AM They watch kids at night and on weekends too. There were kids there when the fire was discovered. It started int he walls, and ran to the attack space quick. Workers there said they heard it popping and crackling in the attack space before the alarm went off. They also said the lights stared to short out, blinking on and off too. I hate an attic fire. Fire has all it needs to thrive in an attic. Especially in a 100 (+) old house like that. The wood trusses are like kindling, plenty of oxygen coming form those big gables on the ends, and the roof to help hold the heat in.
Title: Re: My Fun Friday Evening Post by: rueben on July 31, 2011, 09:15:49 AM Looks like a visit to Houlagens was in order after that :D It was tempting to stop off on the way home, but I was so tired I would have I would have fell alseep on the bar before finishing my first beer... |