Title: "RB T.J. Yeldon is 'overrated, because he's coming from Alabama,' NFL scout reportedly says" Post by: WALL-E on February 15, 2015, 09:00:02 PM RB T.J. Yeldon is 'overrated, because he's coming from Alabama,' NFL scout reportedly says
Title: Re: "RB T.J. Yeldon is 'overrated, because he's coming from Alabama,' NFL scout reportedly says" Post by: Chechem on February 16, 2015, 05:30:26 AM Has this scout tried to tackle Yeldon??
Didn't think so... Title: Re: "RB T.J. Yeldon is 'overrated, because he's coming from Alabama,' NFL scout reportedly says" Post by: 2Stater on February 16, 2015, 06:12:14 AM Quote He's strong, but he's not very fast This guy obviously didn't see him against Ole Miss in 2013, when he outran the fastest cb's in the conference for a long TD. This scout is a maroon. Title: Re: "RB T.J. Yeldon is 'overrated, because he's coming from Alabama,' NFL scout reportedly says" Post by: Catch Prothro on February 16, 2015, 06:50:12 AM Quote Entering this week's NFL Scouting Combine in Indianapolis, Yeldon has NFL.com's seventh-highest draft grade of the available running backs. How is being the 7th highest rated RB overrated? :-\ Title: Re: "RB T.J. Yeldon is 'overrated, because he's coming from Alabama,' NFL scout reportedly says" Post by: Chechem on February 16, 2015, 06:52:43 AM Quote Entering this week's NFL Scouting Combine in Indianapolis, Yeldon has NFL.com's seventh-highest draft grade of the available running backs. How is being the 7th highest rated RB overrated? :-\ True, CP. Look at the bright side; as a later pick, he'll end up on a winning team! Title: Re: "RB T.J. Yeldon is 'overrated, because he's coming from Alabama,' NFL scout reportedly says" Post by: cbbama99 on February 16, 2015, 08:30:33 AM Quote Entering this week's NFL Scouting Combine in Indianapolis, Yeldon has NFL.com's seventh-highest draft grade of the available running backs. How is being the 7th highest rated RB overrated? :-\ True, CP. Look at the bright side; as a later pick, he'll end up on a winning team! RAVENS!! :pray: :pray: :pray: Title: Re: "RB T.J. Yeldon is 'overrated, because he's coming from Alabama,' NFL scout reportedly says" Post by: Chechem on February 16, 2015, 09:33:30 AM Quote Entering this week's NFL Scouting Combine in Indianapolis, Yeldon has NFL.com's seventh-highest draft grade of the available running backs. How is being the 7th highest rated RB overrated? :-\ True, CP. Look at the bright side; as a later pick, he'll end up on a winning team! RAVENS!! :pray: :pray: :pray: :lol: :lol: Title: Re: "RB T.J. Yeldon is 'overrated, because he's coming from Alabama,' NFL scout reportedly says" Post by: Marshal Dillon on February 16, 2015, 04:24:44 PM Quote He's strong, but he's not very fast This guy obviously didn't see him against Ole Miss in 2013, when he outran the fastest cb's in the conference for a long TD. This scout is a maroon. And how fast was Emmitt Smith & Jerome Bettis? :facepalm: |