Title: "5 former Alabama players with the most to gain at the NFL combine in Indianapolis" Post by: WALL-E on February 18, 2015, 06:15:02 AM 5 former Alabama players with the most to gain at the NFL combine in Indianapolis
Title: Re: "5 former Alabama players with the most to gain at the NFL combine in Indianapolis" Post by: Chechem on February 18, 2015, 06:18:30 AM Quote QB Blake Sims There are also a variety of opinions about Alabama's 2014 quarterback. Scouts liked his mobility at the Senior Bowl, but there were some accuracy issues. Fortunately for Sims, this is considered a top-heavy quarterback class. After Jameis Winston and Marcus Mariota, there doesn't appear to be many top-flight passers left. ESPN ranks Sims 13th among quarterbacks in the draft while CBSSports slotted him No. 8, going in the sixth or seventh round. With a good showing in passing drills, Sims has the opportunity to prove he can play quarterback in the NFL. He also said he was willing to look at a positional change to running back or slot receiver if quarterback doesn't pan out, but this will be a big week for his primary objective. Slot receiver?? :dunno: Hmmm. Title: Re: "5 former Alabama players with the most to gain at the NFL combine in Indianapolis" Post by: N.AL-Tider on February 18, 2015, 06:31:15 AM Quote QB Blake Sims There are also a variety of opinions about Alabama's 2014 quarterback. Scouts liked his mobility at the Senior Bowl, but there were some accuracy issues. Fortunately for Sims, this is considered a top-heavy quarterback class. After Jameis Winston and Marcus Mariota, there doesn't appear to be many top-flight passers left. ESPN ranks Sims 13th among quarterbacks in the draft while CBSSports slotted him No. 8, going in the sixth or seventh round. With a good showing in passing drills, Sims has the opportunity to prove he can play quarterback in the NFL. He also said he was willing to look at a positional change to running back or slot receiver if quarterback doesn't pan out, but this will be a big week for his primary objective. Slot receiver?? :dunno: Hmmm. Title: Re: "5 former Alabama players with the most to gain at the NFL combine in Indianapolis" Post by: Catch Prothro on February 18, 2015, 07:33:02 AM Quote QB Blake Sims There are also a variety of opinions about Alabama's 2014 quarterback. Scouts liked his mobility at the Senior Bowl, but there were some accuracy issues. Fortunately for Sims, this is considered a top-heavy quarterback class. After Jameis Winston and Marcus Mariota, there doesn't appear to be many top-flight passers left. ESPN ranks Sims 13th among quarterbacks in the draft while CBSSports slotted him No. 8, going in the sixth or seventh round. With a good showing in passing drills, Sims has the opportunity to prove he can play quarterback in the NFL. He also said he was willing to look at a positional change to running back or slot receiver if quarterback doesn't pan out, but this will be a big week for his primary objective. Slot receiver?? :dunno: Hmmm. This guy gets paid for writing? ??? I'd be surprised if he ever plays a down at QB in the NFL, in a real game. But he's an athlete, maybe they can find something else to do with him. He won't be the first college QB to turn receiver at the next level. |