Title: Softball Boosters meet with team and coaches tonight. Post by: Jamos on February 18, 2015, 08:39:16 PM It was our annual meeting with the team, coaches, and the compliance dept and was very entertaining.
Most of the players were there but a few were craming for tests tomorrow and were excused. It was nice to hear the ladies reflect on their season so far and to listen to Littlejohn and Osorio talk about their feelings when they were trying to close out the games of their perfect game and no hitter. Coach Murphy gave a rundown of the California experience and what it meant to the players. Some of you may not know that when CPM recruits these players from the far away States, he promises to take the team back to play in their home area in a tournament so their family and friends get a chance to see them play. In the trip to California the two players involved were Alexis Osorio and Leona Lafaele. Leona got the shock of her life as her dad, who lives in Somalia, made the trip to see her play and Leona did not know this was happening. When Leona came into the stadium she happened to look up and there was her da., He had not seen her play since she was 10 years old. Leona got a double on her first time at bat and when the coaches looked at Leona standing on second something seemed strange about her and when the coaches went to check on her she was about to feint. How much do you think that hit meant to her as her dad is recovering from a stroke that happened a few months back and she didn't think her dad would ever get to see her play again, him living so far away and with bad health. The women are in action this weekend as Bama will host their annual Easton Spring Bash with Michigan, Lipscomb, and James Madison as the other teams participating. All three of these teams made the NCAA Tournament last year and have several of their starters returning this year so the competition should be good. On Friday Bama will play Michigan at 4 p.m. followed by James Madison at 6 p.m.. On Saturday Bama plays Michigan at 1:30 p.m. and James Madison at 4:30 p.m.. On Sunday, Bama will play their final game against Lipscomb at 1:30 p.m.. It looks like another banner year for the team so far and hopefully some of you that have never been to one of their games will get a chance this year. Title: Re: Softball Boosters meet with team and coaches tonight. Post by: Chechem on February 18, 2015, 08:40:27 PM #+ #+ #+
Thanks, Jamos. Excellent. Title: Re: Softball Boosters meet with team and coaches tonight. Post by: N.AL-Tider on February 18, 2015, 08:53:58 PM Great, than Jamos. Really special for Leona to have her dad in the stands watching her play. Even better was the double she hit "for him" in her first at bat... #+
Title: Re: Softball Boosters meet with team and coaches tonight. Post by: 2Stater on February 19, 2015, 08:12:36 AM Wow! What a great story about Leona and her father! Thanks for the great report, J!