Title: "6 former Alabama opponents give candid answers to what it was like facing Tide" Post by: WALL-E on February 22, 2015, 04:34:02 AM 6 former Alabama opponents give candid answers to what it was like facing Tide
Title: Re: "6 former Alabama opponents give candid answers to what it was like facing Tide" Post by: Chechem on February 22, 2015, 06:27:47 AM Quote Jermaine Whitehead, DB, Auburn Who was the best receiver you faced all year? "Amari Cooper. He single-handedly defeated us." What was it about Cooper? "The first half he really didn't do as much as he did in the second half but we knew he was a great player. We thought we had a game plan for him but he came out and was able to make a lot of big-time plays when they did catch us in one-on-one situations." What was different in the second half? "They came out and just launched it at him and told him to go out and make a play, it seemed like." ... :worship: :worship: :worship: |