Title: "Saban: Geno Smith will be disciplined internally after 2nd DUI charge" Post by: WALL-E on March 31, 2015, 01:33:02 AM Saban: Geno Smith will be disciplined internally after 2nd DUI charge
Title: Re: "Saban: Geno Smith will be disciplined internally after 2nd DUI charge" Post by: Chechem on March 31, 2015, 05:38:28 AM Quote "A little disappointed in Geno Smith," Saban said after practice, via 247Sports. "When he does a few things that he needs to do over the next few days, and he's going to have quite a bit of things that he has to do in the future, which I'm not going to be willing to share with anybody -- that's kind of a private matter -- then he'll be back on the field and we'll allow him to practice again... (http://image.shopthreebrothers.com/images/pitchedroofdhouse_1.jpg) Title: Re: "Saban: Geno Smith will be disciplined internally after 2nd DUI charge" Post by: 2Stater on March 31, 2015, 07:01:38 AM (http://dd508hmafkqws.cloudfront.net/sites/default/files/styles/article_node_view/public/spanking_children.jpg)