Title: Alabama Baseball Swept by Arkansas Post by: pmull on May 02, 2015, 03:51:33 PM Alabama lost Game Three today 4-0. We only got 2 hits. We lost Game Two 8-4 and Game One 5-1. In the series we got 22 hits and struck out 28 times. More strike outs than hits is never good. We also lost to Southern Miss 6-2 this week to go 0-4 on the week and all games were at home (Hoover Met).
This year is a disaster. We now have a losing record at 23-24 and a very disappointing 8-16 SEC record. We are in 11th place in the SEC 1 game ahead of three others but they still have games to play this weekend. We may not make the SEC Tournament and all you have to do is not finish 13th or 14th. We still have a big series at Auburn next week and a game against Mercer in Huntsville. We finish at home against Vandy. It is hard to find many wins in those games. I know it has been a difficult season playing every game on the road and not having a field to even practice on but this has been a very disappointing season. We have good players. I have been a supporter of CMG but I think it is time to replace him for the same reasons Coach Grant was let go. No fan support, disappointing results and not developing players. We have a new ball park that will be one of the best if not the best in the SEC and the nation next year. We may as well have a new coach. Like Coach Grant Mitch Gaspard is a nice guy that you would like to see succeed but he is not getting the results. I want to compete for SEC Championships and host Regionals and Super Regionals. I do not think CMG can get us to that level. Title: Re: Alabama Baseball Swept by Arkansas Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2015, 04:31:56 PM We seem to be good at fading towards the end of the season. I have to agree, it's time for a coaching change. What's Dave Magadan doing these days? :think: