Title: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: rueben on August 06, 2011, 02:57:40 PM Here is my basic, simple, yet powerful platform.
1. (a.) Healthcare: I, form the day of my election, until the day I die,w ill use VA Healthcare, and only the VA healthcare. If it is good enough for our Warriors, it's da#@ well good enough for me. (b.) Every other elected federal and state official will use what ever "healthcare" program that we feel is appropriate for the the U.S. citizen. 3. Defense. Enemies of the united states should prepare to die. You think it makes you a martyr? Well, keep on believing that if it makes you feel better. There will be very very few "rules of engagement. The United States will cease to send its bravest young men into battle, with their hands tied behind their back. Pakistan is nuked, my first day in office, gone. Why? They knew that SOB was living in a compound in their country and did nothing about it. Plus, about 90% of the materials used for IED's is coming from Pakistan. Plus they already have a Nuke, I don't wanna go conventional and give them a chance to retaliate. 4. Welfare= drug test. Period. You need the money to support your family until I can help you get back to work, fine, no probs. You think your gonna use tax money to buy your drugs? hell no. All kinds of people ( military, firefighters police etc.) who's salaries are paid by tax money have to get drug tested, no one on welfare is exempt. 5. Oil. Mideastern countries either you drop the prices, or we'll jack up the prices for all the food / aid we send. We can pump more oil in the U.S., can you grow more food in the desert? Yeah, that's what I thought. 6. Prisons. Two new Super Maxes built (Human Warehouses), one in the frozen waste lands of either N. Dakota, or Alaska, the other in Death Valley. The Guards will get paid extremely well to be there, will spend one year their, and then get the duty assignment of their choice at a Club Fed. The prisoners, on the other hand, will never come out of their cells with out cuffs and shackles, heads bowed, with 2 large canine units following closely behind. The prisoner lifts his head, the dog bites his ass. Oh, and enjoy your rice prisoner. X 3 daily. That sherrif in Arizona will think what I am doing is cruel and unusual. 7. The U.S. borders will be secured by U.S. forces. You wanna come here and make a better life yourself and family? Fine. Do it the right way. If not, you maybe killed. 8. Religious Worship. You have the right to practice any religion you wish, as long as it does not bring harm to others. But this country was founded on Christianity, and it will continue to be based on Christianity. Don't lie it? Well those u.S> forces guarding the borders will not stop you from leaving, only coming in. 9. The Economy. The Panel will be headed by Mr. Donald Trump, and Mr. Bill Gates. 10. The dept of the interior will be responsible to rebuild repair or replace interstates, bridges, etc. And if I find out ( and I WILL find out) that there was $50K spent on planting grass and flowery bushes at some da#@ interstate exchange, or someone spent millions on a bridge to nowhere, i will personally put a boot, in who ever is responsible's, butt. Now, I will accept questions... Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: ricky023 on August 06, 2011, 03:10:40 PM Hey Reuben you get my vote if you do one thing:
We export more than we import. if I missed it sorry. RTR! Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: pmull on August 06, 2011, 03:11:29 PM My question is: What happened to your point #2?
Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: ricky023 on August 06, 2011, 03:13:09 PM My question is: What happened to your point #2? ;D hey pmull his proof readers are suppose to catch that. RTR! #+ Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: rueben on August 06, 2011, 03:27:54 PM My question is: What happened to your point #2? NSA edited my post. :-\ Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: rueben on August 06, 2011, 03:36:37 PM Hey Reuben you get my vote if you do one thing: We export more than we import. if I missed it sorry. RTR! This will happen, by a long shot!!!! Oh yeah taxes = 10% for everyone. cross the board. Good enough for Jesus, good enough for me Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: #1Crimson on August 06, 2011, 03:37:30 PM #+ you got a plan i can vote for. Best one I've heard.
Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: ricky023 on August 06, 2011, 03:40:49 PM :jump: I'm ready for ya! If only we could pray abd get a man exactly like you, and I think we have 3 people, call me crazy, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, and Donald Trump. 8) ;D RTR!
Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: rueben on August 06, 2011, 04:20:58 PM When I board Marine One, I will Salute the Marine at the door (even if he is an enlisted) instead of him saluting me. Commander In Chief or not, he deserves it more than I.
Same goes for the Airmen on Air Force One. It will not just be a salute to the man, but the Armed Service, ( and all of the Armed Services) that he represents. I will be there to serve. You should remember that, because I will. Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: 2Stater on August 07, 2011, 08:56:27 AM And your hat's not already in the ring because..................?
Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: SUPERCOACH on August 07, 2011, 11:10:05 AM And your hat's not already in the ring because..................? He probably does't have access to the $100 million that it would take to even consider it. Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: 2Stater on August 07, 2011, 11:54:02 AM And your hat's not already in the ring because..................? He probably does't have access to the $100 million that it would take to even consider it. I bet BAMAWV would prolly volunteer to be his campaign manager. He could raise those funds. :think: Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: cbbama99 on August 07, 2011, 02:04:42 PM I'm in rueb. When you start handing out patronage, remember me for head of the Smithsonian or the National Archives.
Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: pmull on August 07, 2011, 04:48:45 PM And your hat's not already in the ring because..................? He probably does't have access to the $100 million that it would take to even consider it. I can kick it $3.00. How much to do we now? Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: BAMAWV on August 07, 2011, 05:08:09 PM FYI--Name recognition is really important. You may do better running as DitchDoc.
Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: XBAMA on August 07, 2011, 06:33:18 PM (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_rL6mUmVg2To/SBIjasULC7I/AAAAAAAAAAM/R1uv0esTxgY/s320/vote-button.jpg)
FOR RUEBEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: rueben on August 07, 2011, 09:13:37 PM Thanks all!!! Yes I need a campaign manager to help get the ball rolling. Some one who is good at fund raising and keeping track of the monies...
Also list any cabinet level positions you may think that you might ( or might not) be qualified for. Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: XBAMA on August 07, 2011, 09:51:13 PM Navychief and myself could be on your "discredit the opposition" staff
pick their stance apart limb by limb and expose any lies they may attempt to spew kind of like with sportsbyjerks and that kickball freak travis ... :D Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: BAMAWV on August 09, 2011, 02:58:04 PM We don't have an Oil Minister. :pray:
Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: rueben on August 09, 2011, 07:18:09 PM Navychief and myself could be on your "discredit the opposition" staff pick their stance apart limb by limb and expose any lies they may attempt to spew kind of like with sportsbyjerks and that kickball freak travis ... :D I like it. Consider yourself knighted... Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: rueben on August 09, 2011, 07:20:59 PM We don't have an Oil Minister. :pray: That will fall under Dept. of Energy. The distinguished Gentleman form WV is now Sec. of Dept of Energy. ( Well will be when I get elected). Nuclear Gas Coal Etc. Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: rueben on August 09, 2011, 07:27:21 PM We don't have an Oil Minister. :pray: That will fall under Dept. of Energy. The distinguished Gentleman form WV is now Sec. of Dept of Energy. ( Well will be when I get elected). Nuclear Gas Coal Etc. Oh, and Navy Chief may be my Sec of Def. Tired of those "Academy Ring Tappers" screwing stuff up. It will be a senior enlisted. Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: BAMAWV on August 09, 2011, 07:27:22 PM We don't have an Oil Minister. :pray: That will fall under Dept. of Energy. The distinguished Gentleman form WV is now Sec. of Dept of Energy. ( Well will be when I get elected). Nuclear Gas Coal Etc. Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: cbbama99 on August 10, 2011, 06:12:04 PM Hey rueben, I am officially requesting a cabinet position as Sec. of the Interior (I have no idea what it does, but I like the sound of it ;) )
Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: SUPERCOACH on August 10, 2011, 08:13:43 PM Hey rueben, I am officially requesting a cabinet position as Sec. of the Interior (I have no idea what it does, but I like the sound of it ;) ) You know this is the guy who picks out the new curtains for the Lincoln bedroom, right? Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: pmull on August 10, 2011, 08:23:43 PM Rueben, what's your position on quantitative easing?
WV asked you this yesterday and I don't think you responded. Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: SUPERCOACH on August 10, 2011, 08:29:58 PM Rueben, what's your position on quantitative easing? WV asked you this yesterday and I don't think you responded. Yeah, this is a critical issue. You need to go find that topic and check it out. Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: BAMAWV on August 10, 2011, 09:25:21 PM Hey rueben, I am officially requesting a cabinet position as Sec. of the Posterior. (I have no idea what it does, but I like the sound of it ) FIFY ;)Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: cbbama99 on August 11, 2011, 10:05:20 AM Hey rueben, I am officially requesting a cabinet position as Sec. of the Posterior. (I have no idea what it does, but I like the sound of it ) FIFY ;):lol: Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: ricky023 on August 11, 2011, 10:57:26 AM Posterior, is that the one that makes sure the cushions are just right on the chairs? RTR!
Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: SUPERCOACH on August 11, 2011, 11:35:07 AM Posterior, is that the one that makes sure the cushions are just right on the chairs? RTR! :lol: Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: ricky023 on August 11, 2011, 11:46:06 AM Posterior, is that the one that makes sure the cushions are just right on the chairs? RTR! :lol: LOL, you like that huh SC? I wonder sometimes if all those guys up there do the same thing. RTR! Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: BAMAWV on August 11, 2011, 07:06:08 PM So is Rueben running as an independent? Is he at the debate tonight (GOP)?
Question: What is your vision for America? Rueben: I can see 150,000 seats at BDS. Also the death penalty for the barn. Everyone stops calling Jeeps "girl cars". Question: What about healthcare: Rueben: Rub some dirt on it. Question: What is your stance on quantitative easing? Ruben: I feel CNS should be able to clone All-Americans and have unlimited schollies. Title: Re: That's It...Imma Running for President. Post by: cbbama99 on August 11, 2011, 07:07:12 PM So is Rueben running as an independent? Is he at the debate tonight (GOP)? Question: What is your vision for America? Rueben: I can see 150,000 seats at BDS. Also the death penalty for the barn. Everyone stops calling Jeeps "girl cars". Question: What about healthcare: Rueben: Rub some dirt on it. Question: What is your stance on quantitative easing? Ruben: I feel CNS should be able to clone All-Americans and have unlimited schollies. :lol: #+ |