Title: Hurt: Special year for Bama's defense Post by: pmull on August 08, 2011, 09:05:01 AM As the University of Alabama football players emerged from the north tunnel at Bryant-Denny Stadium for the media portion of their Fan Day gauntlet (reporters, practice, fans) on Sunday, there was an understandable rush of reporters to the offensive players. That's where many of Alabama's big names play. It's where many compelling storylines of 2011 will emerge.
Chances are, though, the other side of the ball will be the ultimate determinant of success for Alabama. Of course, all three phases have to be in sync. Offense is clearly important. So are special teams (although the only aspect on full display on Sunday, the punting, can stand some improvement.) But the rock upon which this team is built will be defense. http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1248933 Title: Re: Hurt: Special year for Bama's defense Post by: Marshal Dillon on August 08, 2011, 09:18:02 AM Hurt is basiclly stating what evey Tide fan knows, our defense is our strength. Who are all the "stars" on offense he is referring to beside Richardson?
??? Title: Re: Hurt: Special year for Bama's defense Post by: ricky023 on August 08, 2011, 03:28:37 PM Besides TR is Barrett Jones, play left tackle so important or guard, WV, the man behind the signals to have blockers in right place. DJ Fluker who so many have spoken so highly of since his inception in U of A. Again I say besides TR who is the biggest counted on performance on the offense? RTR!