Title: "Live at 9 with Roy S. Johnson: SEC's so-called "Jonathan Taylor rule" is itself a bit of a crime" Post by: WALL-E on June 05, 2015, 09:07:02 AM Live at 9 with Roy S. Johnson: SEC's so-called "Jonathan Taylor rule" is itself a bit of a crime
Title: Re: "Live at 9 with Roy S. Johnson: SEC's so-called "Jonathan Taylor rule" is itself a bit of a crim Post by: Chechem on June 05, 2015, 09:48:37 AM Quote Last week, the league, sensitive to the spate of arrests and the overwhelming fan reaction, enhanced its own Bylaw (d), which, pertaining to transfers, states that a student-athlete with less than two years of eligibility left can get financial aid, practice and compete if, "The student-athlete has not been subject to official university or athletics department disciplinary action at any time during enrollment at any previous collegiate institution (excluding limited discipline applied by a sports team)." Lots of potential limitations, but #+ . But what will the Boogers do for QBs? :dunno: |