Title: Dee Hart's return from surgery to Alabama's backfield will take months Post by: pmull on August 09, 2011, 07:26:36 PM Quote "Maybe sometime in October he would be able to start running, but is it worth it to bring the guy back for that little bit of the season?," Saban asked. "Maybe he'll be able to practice some later in the season. Maybe in a black shirt. Maybe for bowl practice. But we won't make the decision to play him until we see how he develops." Saban said last month Hart was in position to compete for the No. 3 running back spot and some time in the return game. "Hopefully at some point in the season Dee Hart will be able to do some practicing," Saban said. "Will it be worth playing the guy this year? Until he's 100 percent and really ready to go at no risk of injury we will not make that decision." http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/08/dee_harts_return_from_surgery.html Title: Re: Dee Hart's return from surgery to Alabama's backfield will take months Post by: bama87 on August 09, 2011, 08:24:02 PM Hart needs to rehab and get ready for 2012. Practice in October will be good for him, keeping him as a part of the team. Hightower said that was the hardest part. Being a part of the team is important.
Title: Re: Dee Hart's return from surgery to Alabama's backfield will take months Post by: BAMAWV on August 09, 2011, 08:31:22 PM I was floored the day we learned of DH's injury. But that was about the same surgery-rehab schedule that was guessed at when it happened. 2011 is over but CNS is incentivising him. RTR to DH.