Title: Dequan Menzie Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on August 11, 2011, 01:40:27 PM Did we ever find out if he was actually injured? Is he rehabbing a sports hernia that didn't require surgery or was there no injury at all? In one of his blogs, Toxik indicated he would miss the first game or two with the injury but AFAIK, he's not been limited in practice.
Title: Re: Dequan Menzie Post by: Marshal Dillon on August 11, 2011, 01:46:16 PM Did we ever find out if he was actually injured? Is he rehabbing a sports hernia that didn't require surgery or was there no injury at all? In one of his blogs, Toxik indicated he would miss the first game or two with the injury but AFAIK, he's not been limited in practice. :o Title: Re: Dequan Menzie Post by: SUPERCOACH on August 11, 2011, 03:13:29 PM I never heard for sure. I don't think he has been limited in any way, but I don't know if the injury was a complete fabrication or if it just turned out to be much better than originally anticipated.