Title: This bugs me... Post by: sgt. lincoln osiris on July 25, 2015, 09:53:32 PM I see it on social media, and every message board I've ever been a member of.
DominATE is a verb. DominANT is an adjective. So if you're talking about a Bama 59-0 a$$ whoopin', you'd say our team (noun) was dominANT (adjective). In CNS's famous 2008 LSWho pregame speech, he spoke of the job of each player was to "dominATE (VERB) the guy in front of you, and MAKE HIS A$$ QUIT!" Thats's SLO's basic grammar lesson for the day. (http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2015-02/1/20/enhanced/webdr08/enhanced-32005-1422840611-40.jpg) Title: Re: This bugs me... Post by: 2Stater on July 26, 2015, 04:37:14 AM That was a dominant lesson.
Title: Re: This bugs me... Post by: Chechem on July 26, 2015, 06:52:35 AM Thank goodness there's (theirs??) someone a lot (alot??) more attuned to grammar than me (I??). Others may welcome you too, but they're (their, there??) pretty finicky about grammatical edits!
:worship: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: Title: Re: This bugs me... Post by: sgt. lincoln osiris on July 26, 2015, 07:46:43 AM Thank goodness there's (theirs??) someone a lot (alot??) more attuned to grammar than me (I??). Others may welcome you too, but they're (their, there??) pretty finicky about grammatical edits! :worship: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: There/they're/their is another one. Good call. You're/your also. Title: Re: This bugs me... Post by: Old Tider on July 26, 2015, 01:47:23 PM I see it on social media, and every message board I've ever been a member of. DominATE is a verb. DominANT is an adjective. So if you're talking about a Bama 59-0 a$$ whoopin', you'd say our team (noun) was dominANT (adjective). In CNS's famous 2008 LSWho pregame speech, he spoke of the job of each player was to "dominATE (VERB) the guy in front of you, and MAKE HIS A$$ QUIT!" FIFY (typo) Title: Re: This bugs me... Post by: ricky023 on July 26, 2015, 02:43:24 PM Well that was good but how many breaths do you take between all those words? RTR!
Title: Re: This bugs me... Post by: sgt. lincoln osiris on July 26, 2015, 07:34:49 PM I see it on social media, and every message board I've ever been a member of. DominATE is a verb. DominANT is an adjective. So if you're talking about a Bama 59-0 a$$ whoopin', you'd say our team (noun) was dominANT (adjective). In CNS's famous 2008 LSWho pregame speech, he spoke of the job of each player was to "dominATE (VERB) the guy in front of you, and MAKE HIS A$$ QUIT!" FIFY (typo) Hey, man. I never said posting from a phone on a site that's not mobile-friendly was perfect. :D Title: Re: This bugs me... Post by: sgt. lincoln osiris on July 26, 2015, 08:12:45 PM Well that was good but how many breaths do you take between all those words? RTR! None. I circular-breathe. :mrgreen: Title: Re: This bugs me... Post by: Old Tider on July 26, 2015, 08:47:06 PM I see it on social media, and every message board I've ever been a member of. DominATE is a verb. DominANT is an adjective. So if you're talking about a Bama 59-0 a$$ whoopin', you'd say our team (noun) was dominANT (adjective). In CNS's famous 2008 LSWho pregame speech, he spoke of the job of each player was to "dominATE (VERB) the guy in front of you, and MAKE HIS A$$ QUIT!" FIFY (typo) Hey, man. I never said posting from a phone on a site that's not mobile-friendly was perfect. :D Ah, the full story. #+ |