Title: SIAP: Successful debut for HTWMI Post by: cbbama99 on August 13, 2011, 10:41:46 AM Reaches end zone in his first game (ok, yeah its preseason and its the 49ers, but still awesome nonetheless).
http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/recap;_ylt=Ao1BzLPlnnlxjb7wvANM8zdDubYF?gid=20110812018 (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/recap;_ylt=Ao1BzLPlnnlxjb7wvANM8zdDubYF?gid=20110812018) Title: Re: SIAP: Successful debut for HTWMI Post by: ricky023 on August 13, 2011, 10:53:02 AM I am glad to see Mark get off on the right foot. I will pull for him until they meet Atlanta but I gotta pull for the lowly Falcons as I always have before. RTR!
Title: Re: SIAP: Successful debut for HTWMI Post by: cbbama99 on August 13, 2011, 10:55:30 AM I am glad to see Mark get off on the right foot. I will pull for him until they meet Atlanta but I gotta pull for the lowly Falcons as I always have before. RTR! I'm the opposite, ricky. I hope JJ has an amazing season, but I have to say WHO DAT!!! Title: Re: SIAP: Successful debut for HTWMI Post by: ricky023 on August 13, 2011, 11:00:29 AM I am glad to see Mark get off on the right foot. I will pull for him until they meet Atlanta but I gotta pull for the lowly Falcons as I always have before. RTR! I'm the opposite, ricky. I hope JJ has an amazing season, but I have to say WHO DAT!!! #+ well maybe we can have a good discussion that day. RTR! |