Title: Talking SEC football with CBS analyst Gary Danielson Post by: pmull on August 14, 2011, 07:51:55 AM Florida's a train wreck, Alabama and LSU are mini-NFL teams, Auburn will stumble, Tennessee's a sleeper and watch out for Georgia.
Those are some of the opinions of CBS analyst Gary Danielson, who seems to be working as hard as the players and coaches to prepare for the 2011 college football season. http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/08/talking_sec_football_with_cbs.html Title: Re: Talking SEC football with CBS analyst Gary Danielson Post by: Jamos on August 14, 2011, 08:13:34 AM Good read, I'm in favor with him that Tennessee and Mississippi St could be the spoilers this year for the favored teams. Bama has to play State over there and that's never an easy game even when State has nothing.
Title: Re: Talking SEC football with CBS analyst Gary Danielson Post by: pmull on August 14, 2011, 08:18:02 AM Good read, I'm in favor with him that Tennessee and Mississippi St could be the spoilers this year for the favored teams. Bama has to play State over ther and that's never an easy game even when State has nothing. Everyone is laughing at me when I say Miss St is a trap game. Any road game after a big win (LSU the week before) is the recipe for a let down. And Miss St is getting better under Mullen. Title: Re: Talking SEC football with CBS analyst Gary Danielson Post by: 2Stater on August 14, 2011, 08:20:56 AM Good read, I'm in favor with him that Tennessee and Mississippi St could be the spoilers this year for the favored teams. Bama has to play State over ther and that's never an easy game even when State has nothing. Everyone is laughing at me when I say Miss St is a trap game. Any road game after a big win (LSU the week before) is the recipe for a let down. And Miss St is getting better under Mullen. We have a few games that could be considered "trap" games. Note what Danielson said: Quote Q. How about the top? A. The pressure to live up to expectations for Alabama and LSU will be fun to watch, because they're in the mini-NFL. If they don't bring their top game every week, they can get knocked off. With the fan base that they have, it is fascinating to see how these players are going to handle this pressure. Title: Re: Talking SEC football with CBS analyst Gary Danielson Post by: pmull on August 14, 2011, 08:21:22 AM I like Danielson. I don't care for Vern. Danielson is normally spot on in his weekly interview on the Finebaum show. I also think he does a good job on the CBS broadcast.
Title: Re: Talking SEC football with CBS analyst Gary Danielson Post by: Jamos on August 14, 2011, 08:24:12 AM I like Danielson. I don't care for Vern. Danielson is normally spot on in his weekly interview on the Finebaum show. I also think he does a good job on the CBS broadcast. I agree. Title: Re: Talking SEC football with CBS analyst Gary Danielson Post by: pmull on August 14, 2011, 08:26:05 AM The other trap game I see on our schedule is Florida. The week after we play a top 10 Arkansas team we go to the swamp. Road wins after big wins can be trouble. Look at how we played at USCe last year after a huge win over Florida.
Title: Re: Talking SEC football with CBS analyst Gary Danielson Post by: 2Stater on August 14, 2011, 08:26:18 AM I like Danielson. I don't care for Vern. Danielson is normally spot on in his weekly interview on the Finebaum show. I also think he does a good job on the CBS broadcast. I actually like them both; Danielson for his knowledge, Vern for his non-generic broadcast of the game, even though he messes up regularly. He gets excited on good plays and portrays that in his broadcast. Title: Re: Talking SEC football with CBS analyst Gary Danielson Post by: lawzoo on August 14, 2011, 12:11:59 PM I like Danielson. I don't care for Vern. Danielson is normally spot on in his weekly interview on the Finebaum show. I also think he does a good job on the CBS broadcast. I actually like them both; Danielson for his knowledge, Vern for his non-generic broadcast of the game, even though he messes up regularly. He gets excited on good plays and portrays that in his broadcast. Vern Lunkhead messes up when he gets up in the morning. Danielson is o.k. though. Thanks for the link. I like his comments about uf. Trainwreck! I agree and am looking forward to it ! Title: Re: Talking SEC football with CBS analyst Gary Danielson Post by: jtide on August 14, 2011, 12:17:08 PM I agree that Danielson actually brings some interesting insight the I rarely hear from other broadcasters. Vern is annoying and never gets names right. If I had a dollar for every time that he says "wow!", I would be very rich.
Title: Re: Talking SEC football with CBS analyst Gary Danielson Post by: Chechem on August 14, 2011, 12:28:27 PM I agree that Danielson actually brings some interesting insight the I rarely hear from other broadcasters. Vern is annoying and never gets names right. If I had a dollar for every time that he says "wow!", I would be very rich. I say "Wow" every time Vern correctly pronounces a player's name. Title: Re: Talking SEC football with CBS analyst Gary Danielson Post by: rueben on August 14, 2011, 01:46:52 PM I love the fact that Gary knows what is going on, on the field. Here is one example.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRXBrlMpzt4 Now sure, he is just stating a fact about Julio being lined up, only against the safety, but how many other commentators would have noticed, or mentioned it. he knew "the read." Title: Re: Talking SEC football with CBS analyst Gary Danielson Post by: ricky023 on August 14, 2011, 02:23:58 PM I have not liked this group for our football games. They have always made us to be weaker in their calls but I like this write up. He did a good job picking through the teams and I agree that to me Tenn. is a sleeper over Georgia. Miss. ST. will be tougher this year than ever before I do believe. I think they take out Fla. and Auburn this year. LSU is going to play Bama for the National Championship game. This is of course if as, Danielson says, each theam can stand up to the pressure till they meet. It is going to be a fun year, and i really want to see how the northern teams does and who could go against us in the NCG. Now, let's go and win the game against Kent St. RTR!