Title: Hurt: Little revealed at Tide's first scrimmage Post by: pmull on August 14, 2011, 08:11:27 AM Even under the best of circumstances, scrimmage statistics are more like abstract art than photographic representations of reality. Instead, you would get a Picaso-esque jumble of numbers that sort of looked like something, but it wasn't clear exactly what.
On Saturday, though, University of Alabama football Nick Saban decided to go from the abstract picture to the empty frame. Technically, it wasn't entirely blank. It was more of an Agnes Martin super-minimalism. The media - which doesn't watch the scrimmage - got stats on wide receivers Marquis Maze (and they were impressive stats, such as they were, of five catches for 123 yards and three touchdowns) and a couple of leading tacklers. So we do know that some footballs were thrown - though not exactly who did the throwing. http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1251636 |