Title: Documenting the Bama-Auburn rivalry - Bruce Feldman Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on August 14, 2011, 08:25:01 AM link (http://espn.go.com/ncf/blog/_/name/feldman_bruce/id/6856158/documenting-bama-auburn-rivalry)
Good read. Behind the scenes look at ESPN Films. You think Red Sox-Yankees or Duke-UNC is a heated rivalry? You have no idea. Wait until you hear about Alabama-Auburn. We focused on every detail of the past two crazy years we can think of: Bama overtakes Florida. Ingram wins the Heisman. Bama beats Texas. The Crimson Tide is the favorite to repeat in 2010. Cam takes over at Auburn. The Cecil Newton scandal breaks. The NCAA investigates. "Scam Newton," as Bama fans call him, leads the Tigers to the biggest comeback in Auburn history in the Iron Bowl. He wins the Heisman. His father is barred from attending. Auburn wins the BCS. His father is barred from attending. Updyke calls into Finebaum's show taking credit for poisoning Toomer's Corner. Updyke does another hour on Finebaum's show after his court appearance. More chaos. Title: Re: Documenting the Bama-Auburn rivalry - Bruce Feldman Post by: lawzoo on August 14, 2011, 12:29:17 PM link (http://espn.go.com/ncf/blog/_/name/feldman_bruce/id/6856158/documenting-bama-auburn-rivalry) Good read. Behind the scenes look at ESPN Films. You think Red Sox-Yankees or Duke-UNC is a heated rivalry? You have no idea. Wait until you hear about Alabama-Auburn. We focused on every detail of the past two crazy years we can think of: Bama overtakes Florida. Ingram wins the Heisman. Bama beats Texas. The Crimson Tide is the favorite to repeat in 2010. Cam takes over at Auburn. The Cecil Newton scandal breaks. The NCAA investigates. "Scam Newton," as Bama fans call him, leads the Tigers to the biggest comeback in Auburn history in the Iron Bowl. He wins the Heisman. His father is barred from attending. Auburn wins the BCS. His father is barred from attending. Updyke calls into Finebaum's show taking credit for poisoning Toomer's Corner. Updyke does another hour on Finebaum's show after his court appearance. More chaos. This comes from an unbiased obsever as far as rivalries (Carolina-cLIMPson being the exception). Pro rivalries? None really. Basketball, women's sports, cross-country(N.D.- SoCal) not in the discussion. Border wars? uh, yeah but do you have to live with each other or is it really just a big game that only comes once a year (ga. - fla., mich.- ohio st., texas- okla.) By far Alabama-Auburn is the most intense heated rivalry in the nation. Oh and carolina -cLIMPson beats the hell outta fla, - fsu, vagina -vaginal tech, and............The Egg Bowl(yawn!) 8) Title: Re: Documenting the Bama-Auburn rivalry - Bruce Feldman Post by: SUPERCOACH on August 14, 2011, 12:44:38 PM So what do you think about the possibility of Clemson coming into the eastern division of the SEC? Do you think it will happen, and if it did happen would you be for it?
Title: Re: Documenting the Bama-Auburn rivalry - Bruce Feldman Post by: lawzoo on August 14, 2011, 02:40:46 PM So what do you think about the possibility of Clemson coming into the eastern division of the SEC? Do you think it will happen, and if it did happen would you be for it? They don't bring any $$$$$. The market is already there and ?. However Steve S. said he's for it so.......big rivalry so why not in conference? I have a friend (another lawyer here in town on the USC BOT and he says no it's very overblown). We'll see. Oh if they or any other school has to "consider" hell no. The S.E.C. vs. the acc ? Get outta town if you have to "consider" ! Title: Re: Documenting the Bama-Auburn rivalry - Bruce Feldman Post by: SUPERCOACH on August 14, 2011, 02:50:01 PM Maybe the Ol' Ball Coach is thinking, "hey if we are going to beat the snot out of Clemson every year, we might as well get credit for it in the conference standings."
:-\ Title: Re: Documenting the Bama-Auburn rivalry - Bruce Feldman Post by: lawzoo on August 14, 2011, 03:59:46 PM Maybe the Ol' Ball Coach is thinking, "hey if we are going to beat the snot out of Clemson every year, we might as well get credit for it in the conference standings." :-\ Oh yea that's exactly what he's thinking. No reason to have such a season breaker ooc game. No doubt. If it wasn't a big boost (prestige and $$$) for those tigers I would love it. It's personal for me. On paper they are a perfect fit. |