Title: "Sprained knee suffered by Alabama WR Robert Foster 'not serious,' sources say" Post by: WALL-E on August 16, 2015, 01:01:03 PM Sprained knee suffered by Alabama WR Robert Foster 'not serious,' sources say
Title: Re: "Sprained knee suffered by Alabama WR Robert Foster 'not serious,' sources say" Post by: ricky023 on August 16, 2015, 02:24:02 PM I have a question. 'not serious' but when we miss time in practice does that not make us be out of sink with the team for game day? Does that not make our timing a little slower, decisions a little later? I just don't understand all this 'not serious.' RTR!
Title: Re: "Sprained knee suffered by Alabama WR Robert Foster 'not serious,' sources say" Post by: Chechem on August 17, 2015, 06:00:19 AM I have a question. 'not serious' but when we miss time in practice does that not make us be out of sink with the team for game day? Does that not make our timing a little slower, decisions a little later? I just don't understand all this 'not serious.' RTR! It's difficult to interpret 'coach speak' by CNS, but my guess is it means Robert Foster won't undergo surgery. Yes, every day lost at practice affects his confidence, timing, and preparation. :facepalm: :facepalm: Title: Re: "Sprained knee suffered by Alabama WR Robert Foster 'not serious,' sources say" Post by: pmull on August 17, 2015, 07:13:49 AM Many of these pre-season injuries are "not serious" but the coaches want to keep the player out of practice so they can heal. You want to start the season 100% healthy if possible. The same injury mid-season and the player might throw a little dirt on it and keep on playing.