Title: SUPERCOACH Post by: navychief on March 10, 2011, 03:13:00 AM Are you paying for this or is it being hosted by an outside source? If you are doing this out of pocket I know a few people that will help you pay for this besides myself...here they are
1) ssmith general 2)ssmith general 3)ssmith general and 4)ssmith general Title: Re: SUPERCOACH Post by: ssmith general on March 10, 2011, 03:49:58 AM Are you paying for this or is it being hosted by an outside source? If you are doing this out of pocket I know a few people that will help you pay for this besides myself...here they are 1) ssmith general 2)ssmith general 3)ssmith general and 4)ssmith general lol There is a thread about donations upstairs, probably fallen back a few pages. A few of us tried to give him some money and he wont take it at this time. Not to say in the future there wont be a 'drive'... If you want to give, I would encourage you to give to the Do5 fund. Title: Re: SUPERCOACH Post by: ssmithhhh on March 10, 2011, 06:50:18 AM Are you paying for this or is it being hosted by an outside source? If you are doing this out of pocket I know a few people that will help you pay for this besides myself...here they are 1) ssmith general 2)ssmith general 3)ssmith general and 4)ssmith general As an Air Force man, I hate to give props to the Navy, but from one Chief to another, it's my patriotic duty. E-cred for the laugh. :dance: Title: Re: SUPERCOACH Post by: SUPERCOACH on March 10, 2011, 12:56:17 PM Are you paying for this or is it being hosted by an outside source? If you are doing this out of pocket I know a few people that will help you pay for this besides myself...here they are 1) ssmith general 2)ssmith general 3)ssmith general and 4)ssmith general #+ Title: Re: SUPERCOACH Post by: ricky023 on March 10, 2011, 11:41:04 PM So far what you have is looking good. RTR!