Title: Didnt take them long to go after S&P. Post by: ssmith general on August 18, 2011, 05:38:52 AM Quote The Justice Department is investigating whether the Standard & Poor's credit ratings agency improperly rated dozens of mortgage securities in the years leading up to the financial crisis, The New York Times reported Wednesday. The investigation began before Standard & Poor's cut the United States' AAA credit rating this month, but it's likely to add to the political firestorm created by the downgrade, the newspaper said. Some government officials have since questioned the agency's secretive process, its credibility and the competence of its analysts, claiming to have found an error in its debt calculations. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/08/17/doj-reportedly-investigating-standard-poors/ I call B.S. Title: Re: Didnt take them long to go after S&P. Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on August 18, 2011, 05:52:42 AM A justice department that refused to go after voter intimidation in Philly during last general election.
Also it came out in the Miami Herald yesterday that the attorney general had dinner with the Miami booster Shapiro... Title: Re: Didnt take them long to go after S&P. Post by: 2Stater on August 18, 2011, 09:37:14 AM A justice department that refused to go after voter intimidation in Philly during last general election. Also it came out in the Miami Herald yesterday that the attorney general had dinner with the Miami booster Shapiro... Did he receive improper benefits? ;D Title: Re: Didnt take them long to go after S&P. Post by: cbbama99 on August 18, 2011, 12:51:00 PM Quote The Justice Department is investigating whether the Standard & Poor's credit ratings agency improperly rated dozens of mortgage securities in the years leading up to the financial crisis, The New York Times reported Wednesday. The investigation began before Standard & Poor's cut the United States' AAA credit rating this month, but it's likely to add to the political firestorm created by the downgrade, the newspaper said. Some government officials have since questioned the agency's secretive process, its credibility and the competence of its analysts, claiming to have found an error in its debt calculations. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/08/17/doj-reportedly-investigating-standard-poors/ I call B.S. Of course if Bush or any other GOP'er was in office, the S&P would be doing a fantastic job. |