Title: New Wallpaper: Denny Chimes on A-Day Post by: SUPERCOACH on August 18, 2011, 01:23:20 PM I just finished a new wallpaper entitled "Denny Chimes on A-Day". This one is actually just a really nice photo taken by rueben from Bryant-Denny Stadium on A-Day. I only enlarged it and cleaned it up a little. It can be downloaded from the wallpapers page. Feel free to post a link to any other sites you participate in, if such links do not violate the site rules. Also, please feel free to reply to this topic if you would like to make a comment.
Thanks to rueben for giving us the picture to use. He will be getting one e-cred each time someone downloads this wallpaper. Here is a preview: (http://www.crimsonredsports.com/Wallpapers/Alabama/DennyChimesADay/AlabamaDennyChimesADayWallpaperPreview.jpg) Title: Re: New Wallpaper: Denny Chimes on A-Day Post by: rueben on August 18, 2011, 09:18:24 PM So glad y'all could use this pic. I am by no stretch a photographer, and it was taken with a little pocket camera. I was actually waiting for a buddy to come out of the bathroom when I lloed around and saw how beautiful Denny Chimes looked from that angle.
After a very rough week, ( that is not finished yet) this made very happy. Roll Tide! Title: Re: New Wallpaper: Denny Chimes on A-Day Post by: SUPERCOACH on August 18, 2011, 09:24:59 PM So glad y'all could use this pic. I am by no stretch a photographer, and it was taken with a little pocket camera. I was actually waiting for a buddy to come out of the bathroom when I lloed around and saw how beautiful Denny Chimes looked from that angle. After a very rough week, ( that is not finished yet) this made very happy. Roll Tide! Sorry it took me so long. It is a fantastic picture. You will probably end up getting hundreds of e-creds from it, if not thousands. Title: Re: New Wallpaper: Denny Chimes on A-Day Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on August 18, 2011, 09:26:49 PM That picture is sharp!
Thanks SC! Title: Re: New Wallpaper: Denny Chimes on A-Day Post by: BAMAWV on September 09, 2011, 08:39:58 PM Nice. I commented and bragged on DitchDoc when he posted the avatar. Still need a schedule, SC.
Title: Re: New Wallpaper: Denny Chimes on A-Day Post by: SUPERCOACH on September 13, 2011, 09:38:42 AM Nice. I commented and bragged on DitchDoc when he posted the avatar. Still need a schedule, SC. It is on the to do list, but not the top priority right now. Hopefully I can get it done while it is still useful. Title: Re: New Wallpaper: Denny Chimes on A-Day Post by: SUPERCOACH on September 13, 2011, 09:44:26 AM Congrats to rueben for making it on to the Top E-Cred list. All of those wallpaper downloads are giving him quite a boost. We need lots more of these, so remember to take your camera with you any time you visit the campus. Most cell phones these days have pretty decent cameras built in to them if you don't want to take a separate camera.
Did anybody get any pictures from Penn State? If we make it into a wallpaper you will get 1 e-cred every time someone downloads it. The higher the resolution, the better. At least 4 mega-pixels works great, but I can work with lower res too if that is all you have. |