Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => The Quad => Topic started by: Marshal Dillon on September 19, 2015, 06:27:00 PM

Title: Auburn Fans Jumping Off Gus Bus From 8 Story Parking Deck
Post by: Marshal Dillon on September 19, 2015, 06:27:00 PM
Sad to see mass depression all at once.


anyone on the remainder of the schedule we beat

Mississippi State - Tossup

San Jose State - W?

@ Kentucky - Tossup

@ Arkansas - Tossup

Ole Miss - L

@ Texas A&M - L

Georgia - L

Idaho - W?

Alabama - L[/quote]


one on the remainder of the schedule we beat
5:04 PM
If we continue to play like we have today, we will go 0-8 in the SEC.  We will probably get by San Jose State and Idaho, but I don't think those games are givens.

2773 posts this site

Re: anyone on the remainder of the schedule we beat

Mississippi State - 31-14 MSU wins

San Jose State - AU wins 21-17 in OT

@ Kentucky - 28-7 KY wins

@ Arkansas - 13-3 Arky wins

Ole Miss - 52-10 Ole Miss wins

@ Texas A&M - 42-21 AM wins

Georgia - 28-17 UGA wins

Idaho - W?  28-7 AU wins

Alabama - 63-7 REC wins      :lol2:

AU goes 4-8 this season.


10741 posts this site
Re: anyone on the remainder of the schedule we beat

Not an SEC  team.


2423 posts this site
Re: anyone on the remainder of the schedule we beat

San Jose state is going to pimp slap AU based on the garbage I see right now.


Title: Re: Auburn Fans Jumping Off Gus Bus From 8 Story Parking Deck
Post by: Marshal Dillon on September 19, 2015, 10:29:46 PM


14547 posts this site
There's Just Nothing There
6:49 PM
We have nothing on offense.

We have nothing on defense.

This team has absolutely nothing to put our hopes in.

And our coaching?  Most absurd and uninventive I've seen at Auburn.

It's an official dumpster fire and all that is going to happen from here on is the fire is just going to get bigger and bigger.

We have no one who can play.  We also have no one who wants to play.

I said it earlier this week. Gus has lost this team.  They have zero interest in playing for the orange and blue.

We may see some really, really bad **** on and off the field this season.


9823 posts this site
Re: There's Just Nothing There

7:00 PM
I like Tubs' version of snake oil better than Gus' version of snake oil. At least with Tubs we were tough on defense and won some games


Barely a Member
22697 posts this site
Re: There's Just Nothing There

7:03 PM
Unfortunately he's right. After today we may be the only team in the country to be ranked in the 100s in both offense and defense. We will have dropped from #6 in the polls to unranked in probably record time. The sun is not big enough to pump on this mess.


Title: Re: Auburn Fans Jumping Off Gus Bus From 8 Story Parking Deck
Post by: Catch Prothro on September 19, 2015, 10:53:50 PM
This happens every year that Auburn is over-hyped pre-season, but it never gets old.   :lol2: