Title: Danny Sheridan: Michelle Bachmann, Paris Hilton at equal odds for president! Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on August 22, 2011, 10:54:58 AM link (http://blog.al.com/live/2011/08/danny_sheridan_obamas_re-elect.html)
Quote MOBILE, Alabama -- The predictions were flying fast and furious at Friday’s meeting of the Mobile Bar Association, where Mobile native and professional prognosticator Danny Sheridan held court everything from the upcoming college football season to a slew of Alabama political races. Sheridan, a sports analyst and handicapper for USA Today, pegged President Barack Obama as a narrow 7 to 5 favorite to win re-election. "That’s the lowest since Jimmy Carter, and extraordinarily low for a sitting president this close to an election," said Sheridan, identifying himself as a Democrat. Sheridan named Rick Perry and Mitt Romney as the leading Republican contenders, and said each was a 4 to 1 underdog to be elected president. Sheridan also predicted that Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley would serve only one term in office. He named former Gov. Bob Riley, who left office in January after serving two terms, as likely to run for governor again "assuming he doesn’t go off on another motorcycle trip or something." |