Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => President's Mansion => Topic started by: SUPERCOACH on August 26, 2011, 05:55:02 PM

Title: Warren calls FEMA requirements ‘ridiculous’
Post by: SUPERCOACH on August 26, 2011, 05:55:02 PM
Unbelievable.  FEMA is going to make this school tear down a brand new 1/2 million dollar storm shelter once all of the tornado damage is fixed and the temporary trailers they are using are removed.  This is exactly why the idiots in Washington should not be in charge of any tax money other than what is absolutely necessary.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency recently announced that Plainview is eligible for a grant that would cover about 75 percent of the cost for construction of a safe room - about $500,000.

Plainview is one of several schools in the state to qualify for the funding. All were impacted by the April 27 tornadoes that ravaged Alabama.

Plainview School was badly damaged and portions of the school unusable for the current school year - because of this, many Plainview students are attending classes in temporary, portable classrooms while the school is being repaired - that process won't be finished until sometime next year.


However, there's a catch.

FEMA won't allow the school system to keep the safe room free and clear after the portable classrooms are removed. Warren told the school board Thursday there are three options: buy the safe room outright, sell the safe room or demolish the structure.

Title: Re: Warren calls FEMA requirements ‘ridiculous’
Post by: 2Stater on August 26, 2011, 06:38:18 PM
Unbelievable.  FEMA is going to make this school tear down a brand new 1/2 million dollar storm shelter once all of the tornado damage is fixed and the temporary trailers they are using are removed.  This is exactly why the idiots in Washington should not be in charge of any tax money other than what is absolutely necessary.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency recently announced that Plainview is eligible for a grant that would cover about 75 percent of the cost for construction of a safe room - about $500,000.

Plainview is one of several schools in the state to qualify for the funding. All were impacted by the April 27 tornadoes that ravaged Alabama.

Plainview School was badly damaged and portions of the school unusable for the current school year - because of this, many Plainview students are attending classes in temporary, portable classrooms while the school is being repaired - that process won't be finished until sometime next year.


However, there's a catch.

FEMA won't allow the school system to keep the safe room free and clear after the portable classrooms are removed. Warren told the school board Thursday there are three options: buy the safe room outright, sell the safe room or demolish the structure.

Title: Re: Warren calls FEMA requirements ‘ridiculous’
Post by: ricky023 on August 27, 2011, 09:44:43 PM
This is idoitic. Sort of like The Burn Faciclity at Anniston Army Depot, cost was 750 million dollars, and when they are done burning weapons they are suppose to tear it down. Crazy, crazy people. RTR!

Title: Re: Warren calls FEMA requirements ‘ridiculous’
Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on August 27, 2011, 10:16:21 PM
This is idoitic. Sort of like The Burn Faciclity at Anniston Army Depot, cost was 750 million dollars, and when they are done burning weapons they are suppose to tear it down. Crazy, crazy people. RTR!

I have worked at the Army Anniston Depot. No reason to tear it down.

Same thing about a safe room. No reason to tear it down.

The Federal Govt. only gives away money with big strings attached. I can remember which state, but  2 weeks ago, a state turned down the money for Obamacare because of the long reach of the Feds.