Title: "Clemson star Shaq Lawson says he'll play against Bama" updated Sunday Post by: Chechem on January 01, 2016, 07:50:42 AM http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/2015/12/31/clemson-star-shaq-lawson-says-hell-play-in-title-game/78158322/
ESPN also reporting he's expected to play. Hope so. We don't want any excuses!! :lol2: Title: Re: "Clemson star Shaq Lawson says he'll play against Bama" Post by: ricky023 on January 01, 2016, 08:33:55 AM There won't be any excuses no matter what anybody says. RTR!
Title: Re: "Clemson star Shaq Lawson says he'll play against Bama" Post by: Marshal Dillon on January 01, 2016, 09:09:06 AM :yawn:
Title: Re: "Clemson star Shaq Lawson says he'll play against Bama" Post by: N.AL-Tider on January 03, 2016, 06:33:55 AM Quote "I could tell it's nothing serious," Lawson said. "It's not serious." Sounds serious! :popcorn2: Oh, and in other news, The sky is blue, grass is green and water...is still wet! (http://bullgatorslounge.com/images/smilies/new5_muttley.gif) Title: Re: "Clemson star Shaq Lawson says he'll play against Bama" Post by: Catch Prothro on January 03, 2016, 07:34:34 AM Quote "I could tell it's nothing serious," Lawson said. "It's not serious." Sounds serious! :popcorn2: Oh, and in other news, The sky is blue, grass is green and water...is still wet! (http://bullgatorslounge.com/images/smilies/new5_muttley.gif) I'm stealing your dog. (What better sidekick to Dick Dastardly. ) :clap: (http://www.gadgetshowprizes.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/dick-dastardly..png) Title: "Dabo Swinney 'very optimistic' Clemson star Shaq Lawson will play vs. Alabama" Post by: WALL-E on January 04, 2016, 12:03:03 PM Dabo Swinney 'very optimistic' Clemson star Shaq Lawson will play vs. Alabama
Title: "Shaq Lawson: There's a 'good chance' I play against Alabama" Post by: WALL-E on January 09, 2016, 10:00:03 AM Shaq Lawson: There's a 'good chance' I play against Alabama
Title: Re: "Clemson star Shaq Lawson says he'll play against Bama" updated Monday Post by: Chechem on January 10, 2016, 06:08:06 AM Sirius radio yesterday:
"The Wednesday practice didn't go well for Shaq Lawson. He may play Monday, but he won't be 100%. And he may not be effective if he does play." :popcorn2: Title: Re: "Clemson star Shaq Lawson says he'll play against Bama" updated Sunday Post by: Catch Prothro on January 10, 2016, 06:56:26 AM It's been pretty much decided for a few days now. I think it's unlikely he plays; he's far from 100% and he has an NFL draft to get ready for. His backup played well v Oklahoma. :yawn:
Title: Re: "Clemson star Shaq Lawson says he'll play against Bama" updated Sunday Post by: Chechem on January 10, 2016, 07:05:11 AM It's been pretty much decided for a few days now. I think it's unlikely he plays; he's far from 100% and he has an NFL draft to get ready for. His backup played well v Oklahoma. :yawn: The radio discussion I heard yesterday emphasized that (NFL). "Why would you chance losing a top-10 draft position and the millions (literally) of dollars ensured by that NFL ranking?" They discussed a bunch of examples of players who played in the NCGs with injuries, and how that hurt their draft status. :popcorn2: Title: Re: "Clemson star Shaq Lawson says he'll play against Bama" updated Sunday Post by: Catch Prothro on January 10, 2016, 07:16:39 AM It's been pretty much decided for a few days now. I think it's unlikely he plays; he's far from 100% and he has an NFL draft to get ready for. His backup played well v Oklahoma. :yawn: The radio discussion I heard yesterday emphasized that (NFL). "Why would you chance losing a top-10 draft position and the millions (literally) of dollars ensured by that NFL ranking?" They discussed a bunch of examples of players who played in the NCGs with injuries, and how that hurt their draft status. :popcorn2: Title: Re: "Clemson star Shaq Lawson says he'll play against Bama" updated Sunday Post by: N.AL-Tider on January 10, 2016, 07:22:19 AM I would rather play Clemson with a full staff of healthy players but if he can't play then that's fine too. It gives them a built in excuse if Bama wins for why we were able to beat the "BEST" team this year... :deadhorse:
Title: Re: "Clemson star Shaq Lawson says he'll play against Bama" updated Sunday Post by: 2Stater on January 10, 2016, 07:52:00 AM I would rather play Clemson with a full staff of healthy players but if he can't play then that's fine too. It gives them a built in excuse if Bama wins for why we were able to beat the "BEST" team this year... :deadhorse: Colt v2.0 |