Title: **Operation Fast and Furious: The First Political Casualties** Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 01, 2011, 05:23:07 PM http://blog.heritage.org/2011/09/01/operation-fast-and-furious-the-first-political-casualties
Quote With the resignation this week of Dennis K. Burke, the Obama-appointed U.S. Attorney in Phoenix, we have the first high-level casualty in the burgeoning scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious. /Testimony before Issa’s House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform as well as e-mails that Issa was able to obtain show that the prosecutors in Burke’s office were involved in this reckless operation. It resulted in more than 2,000 weapons being handed to Mexican criminals and members of drug cartels who have brutally and viciously killed a shocking number of people. The weapons included (unbelievably) dozens of .50 caliber sniper rifles—“approximately the number of sniper rifles a Marine infantry regiment takes into battle,” according to Carlos Canino, the Acting Attaché to Mexico for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) who testified at Issa’s hearing on July 26. |