Title: Ranking Alabama's 16 National Championship Teams Post by: bama57 on January 26, 2016, 09:20:13 AM Quote TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — When it comes to historical significance, University of Alabama coach Nick Saban isn’t slowing down and trying to put the 2015-16 team’s accomplishments into perspective, at least not yet. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2611018-ranking-alabamas-16-national-championship-teamsMaybe he’ll do some of that later. “I think that sometimes success can put a distorted perspective on things for you to some degree,” he said. “I look back to 1998 when we were 4-5 at Michigan State and we were going to Ohio State to play the No. 1 team in the country, if somebody would have told me then that this would have happened, I would have said, I think you're crazy. Title: Re: Ranking Alabama's 16 National Championship Teams Post by: Marshal Dillon on January 26, 2016, 03:42:05 PM I have read many articles & books on the past Alabama teams & I would rate them mostly in a similar order.
1. 1934 2. 1930 3. 1961 4. 2009 5. 2011 6. 1925 7. 1992 8. 2012 9. 1978 10. 1979 11. 1964 12. 2015 13. 1973 14. 1965 15. 1926 :duh: :stars: Title: Re: Ranking Alabama's 16 National Championship Teams Post by: Chechem on January 26, 2016, 04:23:00 PM :dunno:
Title: Re: Ranking Alabama's 16 National Championship Teams Post by: 2Stater on January 26, 2016, 07:04:14 PM The 1966 team may have been as good as any of them, relatively speaking.
Title: Re: Ranking Alabama's 16 National Championship Teams Post by: Marshal Dillon on January 26, 2016, 07:35:00 PM The 1966 team may have been as good as any of them, relatively speaking. Coach Bryant stated the 1966 team was his best team. That's good enough for me. I thought about discussing the '66 & 1977 teams but changed my mind. |