Title: Bama Softball: Day 2 of UCF Tournament Post by: Jamos on February 13, 2016, 01:16:34 PM Bama defeated Rutgers 6-0 in their third game of the tournament. Maddi Moore again started for the Crimson Tide and went the distance giving up 5 hits and walking none. Bama will play James Madison in their 4th game at 3:30 this afternoon. Moore's pitching performance so far has to enlighten CPM after Littlejohn got rung up last night against UCF. In all fairness to Littlejohn, she had an off season surgery on one of her feet and it make take her a little to get back in pitching form.
Bama had 10 hits in the game, improving from their poor showing last night against UCF. Turner had 2 hits, Lafaele had 3, and Fain had 2 to lead the Tide. Title: Re: Bama Softball: Day 2 of UCF Tournament Post by: Leewillie on February 13, 2016, 05:36:25 PM Bama defeats James Madison in the second game today. Like UCF, James Madison is Nationally ranked,
Bama got it's first hit in the 6th inning, and tied the score at 1 on a 2 out hit on which James Madison made 2 errors. Runyon led off the bottom of 7 with a triple and scored on a hit by Grantham. Littlejohn and Osorio allowed 1 run on 4 hits and struck out 10. Final score: Bama 2, JM 1 Will play Liberty University at 8:00 tomorrow (that's 8 A.M.) Title: Re: Bama Softball: Day 2 of UCF Tournament Post by: pmull on February 13, 2016, 07:04:25 PM This is a big time tournament. UCF and James Madison are both ranked in the Top 25. This competition will get us ready for the very difficult SEC schedule.
Title: Re: Bama Softball: Day 2 of UCF Tournament Post by: Jamos on February 14, 2016, 08:36:05 AM pmull, you are right on in what this tournament means to the team. Sure they want to win all their games but the good competition gives CPM and staff to work on the many angles of the team that it will take to go to Oklahma City again this year. You don't learn much by playing pancakes and scoring lots of runs, good competition will only make them better team in the days ahead.