Title: ANOTHER Auburn Football Staff Member Leaving Post by: Marshal Dillon on February 25, 2016, 08:32:54 PM Sheesh, who's next, Malzahn's wife? I have never seen so many folks leave a program at one time. Talk about a dumpster fire. i thought Auburn was one big happy fambly. Wow!
Quote The count is up to 10. Auburn video coordinator Brent Thomas is no longer with the program, a person familiar with the decision told AL.com. The news was first reported by FootballScoop.com. http://www.al.com/auburnfootball/index.ssf/2016/02/auburn_video_coordinator_no_longer_with_program.html#incart_river_home_pop :problem: Title: Re: ANOTHER Auburn Football Staff Member Leaving Post by: McBaman on February 25, 2016, 10:11:39 PM I can't understand how any decent HS guy with even half a brain could consider going to the Barn. You'd be taking a huge risk with your future. But I guess there will be some who think so highly of themselves and their ability, that they think they don't need to worry about the coaching situation.
Title: Re: ANOTHER Auburn Football Staff Member Leaving Post by: BillBrosky on February 26, 2016, 07:22:23 AM He was a disappointment on the 'big screen'.
Title: Re: ANOTHER Auburn Football Staff Member Leaving Post by: Marshal Dillon on February 26, 2016, 08:47:06 AM This is truly bizarre with so many folks bailing out at one time. Rumors that Gus is a poor bus driver & not able to control his coaches is out there.
??? Title: Re: ANOTHER Auburn Football Staff Member Leaving Post by: BillBrosky on February 26, 2016, 08:56:34 AM This is truly bizarre with so many folks bailing out at one time. Rumors that Gus is a poor bus driver & not able to control his coaches is out there. ??? A short bus has only limited space. (http://randomvacay.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/crazy-crowded-transport-800x499.jpg) |