Title: ***'Race is on' to keep Gadhafi's weapons stockpiles from al Qaeda*** Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 05, 2011, 08:20:08 AM http://thehill.com/news-by-subject/defense-homeland-security/179481-rogers-race-is-on-to-safeguard-gadhafis-weapons-stockpiles
Quote Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee called on the United States to be “more involved” in ensuring that Moammar Gadhafi’s stockpiles of weapons did not fall into the hands of terrorist organizations. “And I'm not talking about boots on the ground or big military. We need to use our special capabilities that really only the United States has to secure, account for those weapons and render them safe. And we need to do it now,” he added. “I will tell you al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations identified by the State are very interested in getting their hands on those missile systems, other weapons, even the chemical stockpile precursors,” cautioned Rogers. “All of that we know is happening. The race is on. This is a race we should win. We shouldn't debate if we need to have special capabilities on the ground there to take care of that particular problem.” |