Title: Roll Bama Roll - 2011 Season Taking Shape Post by: ssmith general on March 01, 2011, 09:37:51 AM "In the never-ending cycle that is now college football, when the bowl season ends in early January, the recruiting melodrama goes into full effect. That madness, unfortunately, now extends into mid-February, but once the dust has settled on the recruiting process and February begins to fade, you can begin to get a solid foundation for how the upcoming season will take shape. For Alabama, the Fourth Quarter program is hitting the stretch run, and the start of spring practice is a mere three weeks away."
:D Link (http://www.rollbamaroll.com/) Title: Re: Roll Bama Roll - 2011 Season Taking Shape Post by: ricky023 on March 01, 2011, 04:38:15 PM Hey General ain't it fun to get out of one season and come right into another. I already look forward to the 2011 recruiting. Our coaches work hard as it proves it on NSD when we rate the No.1 recruiting class. While the 2011 clas is being built we are also working toward another Spring which begins another NC race. I love Alabama Sports. RTR!