Title: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: Chechem on March 03, 2016, 06:46:16 AM http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/sports/ncaafootball/ivy-league-moves-to-eliminate-tackling-at-practices.html?_r=0
Quote Ivy League football coaches have decided to take the extraordinary step of eliminating all full-contact hitting from practices during the regular season, the most aggressive measure yet to combat growing concerns about brain trauma and other injuries in the sport... Can the Aubs be far behind? :dunno: Title: Re: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: 2Stater on March 03, 2016, 07:07:40 AM Soon, the NCAA will stand for No Contact Allowed Anymore.
Title: Re: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: BillBrosky on March 03, 2016, 07:27:39 AM http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/sports/ncaafootball/ivy-league-moves-to-eliminate-tackling-at-practices.html?_r=0 Quote Ivy League football coaches have decided to take the extraordinary step of eliminating all full-contact hitting from practices during the regular season, the most aggressive measure yet to combat growing concerns about brain trauma and other injuries in the sport... Can the Aubs be far behind? :dunno: Didn't they set the trend a few years back? I think they were short in certain positions, pun intended. Title: Re: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: 2Stater on March 03, 2016, 07:39:20 AM http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/sports/ncaafootball/ivy-league-moves-to-eliminate-tackling-at-practices.html?_r=0 Quote Ivy League football coaches have decided to take the extraordinary step of eliminating all full-contact hitting from practices during the regular season, the most aggressive measure yet to combat growing concerns about brain trauma and other injuries in the sport... Can the Aubs be far behind? :dunno: Didn't they set the trend a few years back? I think they were short in certain positions, pun intended. Hard to imagine the barn being trend setters. ??? Title: Re: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: N.AL-Tider on March 03, 2016, 07:41:31 AM http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/sports/ncaafootball/ivy-league-moves-to-eliminate-tackling-at-practices.html?_r=0 Quote Ivy League football coaches have decided to take the extraordinary step of eliminating all full-contact hitting from practices during the regular season, the most aggressive measure yet to combat growing concerns about brain trauma and other injuries in the sport... Can the Aubs be far behind? :dunno: Didn't they set the trend a few years back? I think they were short in certain positions, pun intended. Hard to imagine the barn being trend setters. ??? Title: Re: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: BillBrosky on March 03, 2016, 07:44:15 AM http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/sports/ncaafootball/ivy-league-moves-to-eliminate-tackling-at-practices.html?_r=0 Quote Ivy League football coaches have decided to take the extraordinary step of eliminating all full-contact hitting from practices during the regular season, the most aggressive measure yet to combat growing concerns about brain trauma and other injuries in the sport... Can the Aubs be far behind? :dunno: Didn't they set the trend a few years back? I think they were short in certain positions, pun intended. Hard to imagine the barn being trend setters. ??? Well, there are good trends, and then there are bad trends........ Title: Re: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: Chechem on March 03, 2016, 10:02:15 AM http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/sports/ncaafootball/ivy-league-moves-to-eliminate-tackling-at-practices.html?_r=0 Quote Ivy League football coaches have decided to take the extraordinary step of eliminating all full-contact hitting from practices during the regular season, the most aggressive measure yet to combat growing concerns about brain trauma and other injuries in the sport... Can the Aubs be far behind? :dunno: Didn't they set the trend a few years back? I think they were short in certain positions, pun intended. Hard to imagine the barn being trend setters. ??? Well, there are good trends, and then there are bad trends........ Brosky is right. When Tuberville was there they stopped having full-contact scrimmages (maybe to protect the short players :eyeroll: ). Title: Re: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: BillBrosky on March 03, 2016, 10:04:46 AM http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/sports/ncaafootball/ivy-league-moves-to-eliminate-tackling-at-practices.html?_r=0 Quote Ivy League football coaches have decided to take the extraordinary step of eliminating all full-contact hitting from practices during the regular season, the most aggressive measure yet to combat growing concerns about brain trauma and other injuries in the sport... Can the Aubs be far behind? :dunno: Didn't they set the trend a few years back? I think they were short in certain positions, pun intended. Hard to imagine the barn being trend setters. ??? Well, there are good trends, and then there are bad trends........ Brosky is right. When Tuberville was there they stopped having full-contact scrimmages (maybe to protect the short players :eyeroll: ). Didn't want to use those "quality" 2 star players up too fast. Title: Re: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: Chechem on March 03, 2016, 10:06:01 AM http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/sports/ncaafootball/ivy-league-moves-to-eliminate-tackling-at-practices.html?_r=0 Quote Ivy League football coaches have decided to take the extraordinary step of eliminating all full-contact hitting from practices during the regular season, the most aggressive measure yet to combat growing concerns about brain trauma and other injuries in the sport... Can the Aubs be far behind? :dunno: Didn't they set the trend a few years back? I think they were short in certain positions, pun intended. Hard to imagine the barn being trend setters. ??? Well, there are good trends, and then there are bad trends........ Brosky is right. When Tuberville was there they stopped having full-contact scrimmages (maybe to protect the short players :eyeroll: ). Didn't want to use those "quality" 2 star players up too fast. Title: Re: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: BillBrosky on March 03, 2016, 10:37:26 AM http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/sports/ncaafootball/ivy-league-moves-to-eliminate-tackling-at-practices.html?_r=0 Quote Ivy League football coaches have decided to take the extraordinary step of eliminating all full-contact hitting from practices during the regular season, the most aggressive measure yet to combat growing concerns about brain trauma and other injuries in the sport... Can the Aubs be far behind? :dunno: Didn't they set the trend a few years back? I think they were short in certain positions, pun intended. Hard to imagine the barn being trend setters. ??? Well, there are good trends, and then there are bad trends........ Brosky is right. When Tuberville was there they stopped having full-contact scrimmages (maybe to protect the short players :eyeroll: ). Didn't want to use those "quality" 2 star players up too fast. Instead of "quality" I should have said "good character" because I believe that is what he used to justify so many of them versus 4 star players he could have had. Title: Re: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: Chechem on March 03, 2016, 11:07:06 AM (http://media.al.com/sports_impact/photo/9374846-small.jpg)
"4 Auburn football players arrested" http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/03/four_auburn_football_players_a.html Title: Re: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: ricky023 on March 04, 2016, 01:06:42 PM Hey guys I remember when Tubbs was there I think it was 2004 when they went undefeated and could have beaten any team in the nation they was actually unfairly left our of the NCG that year. I also wonder did any cheating or scandalous type stuff come out of the Tubbs era other than the way they fired him? RTR!
Title: Re: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: Marshal Dillon on March 04, 2016, 02:33:04 PM Hey guys I remember when Tubbs was there I think it was 2004 when they went undefeated and could have beaten any team in the nation they was actually unfairly left our of the NCG that year. I also wonder did any cheating or scandalous type stuff come out of the Tubbs era other than the way they fired him? RTR! What!!! Auburn cheat, how dare you question their integrity!!! Stated by Charles Barkley, Pat Dye, Ed Richardson, & the 2nd most NCAA program in sanctions. Title: Re: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: pmull on March 04, 2016, 02:58:38 PM Hey guys I remember when Tubbs was there I think it was 2004 when they went undefeated and could have beaten any team in the nation they was actually unfairly left our of the NCG that year. I also wonder did any cheating or scandalous type stuff come out of the Tubbs era other than the way they fired him? RTR! What!!! Auburn cheat, how dare you question their integrity!!! Stated by Charles Barkley, Pat Dye, Ed Richardson, & the 2nd most NCAA program in sanctions. Barkley actually said on air "If you aren't cheating you aren't trying". Title: Re: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: pmull on March 04, 2016, 03:00:06 PM I thought the Ivy League played flag football. :dunno:
Title: Re: "Ivy League Moves to Eliminate Tackling at Football Practices" Post by: 2Stater on March 04, 2016, 06:28:42 PM I thought the Ivy League played flag football. :dunno: They do now. The "Flagship" league of no contact football. |