Title: The Final Act: Penn State, Alabama, And Joe Paterno Post by: pmull on September 05, 2011, 10:31:04 AM This is a long story that recaps the history of the Alabama - Penn State rivalry.
Quote Sitting in his home just outside of campus, Joe Paterno has to know this is his last chance to best Alabama. To defeat a team that has been locked in battle with him since his very first coaching days. A team that stopped Penn State inches short of a National Title and kept him from finally defeating Bear Bryant. http://www.blackshoediaries.com/2011/9/5/2405029/penn-state-and-alabama-playing-in-more-than-just-a-game Title: Re: The Final Act: Penn State, Alabama, And Joe Paterno Post by: Jamos on September 05, 2011, 11:12:06 AM I hope this year is his final act. I hate to see him hanging on and tarnishing all of his accomplishments, he has been great for college football.
Title: Re: The Final Act: Penn State, Alabama, And Joe Paterno Post by: Chechem on September 05, 2011, 11:43:43 AM I hope this year is his final act. I hate to see him hanging on and tarnishing all of his accomplishments, he has been great for college football. Me too. But I don't want him to polish off that tarnishing against us. |