Title: Montana billboard starts controversy Post by: Chechem on March 14, 2016, 06:31:37 AM (http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/ravallirepublic.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/2/ee/2eeb5058-e804-11e5-b1fc-c3a5a3ab750d/56e38ff0a2a2a.image.jpg?resize=1200%2C871)
:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: How many errors can you find?? Title: Re: Montana billboard starts controversy Post by: 2Stater on March 14, 2016, 07:31:23 AM Fly fishing for large mouth bass?
Title: Re: Montana billboard starts controversy Post by: Chechem on March 14, 2016, 09:30:54 AM Fly fishing for large mouth bass? Well, I've done that. But not ... 1. with a diving-bass plug on a flyrod; 2. in Montana, where trout are king and largemouth bass sparse; 3. with hip waders with no straps; 4. a pink-bellied bass (dead ones turn pink); 5. with a flying lure than is made to dive deep; 6. with a bass plug minus its back treble hooks.......... :facepalm: Title: Re: Montana billboard starts controversy Post by: 2Stater on March 14, 2016, 09:33:11 AM Fly fishing for large mouth bass? Well, I've done that. But not ... 1. with a diving-bass plug on a flyrod; 2. in Montana, where trout are king and largemouth bass sparse; 3. with hip waders with no straps; 4. a pink-bellied bass (dead ones turn pink); 5. with a flying lure than is made to dive deep; 6. with a bass plug minus its back treble hooks.......... :facepalm: I'm starting to think you know something about fishing. :think: Title: Re: Montana billboard starts controversy Post by: ricky023 on March 14, 2016, 10:27:54 AM It could be a 2-sided sign. RTR!
Title: Re: Montana billboard starts controversy Post by: Chechem on March 14, 2016, 07:37:12 PM It could be a 2-sided sign. RTR! You mean it's worse on the other side?? :o Title: Re: Montana billboard starts controversy Post by: 2Stater on March 14, 2016, 08:15:18 PM It could be a 2-sided sign. RTR! You mean it's worse on the other side?? :o (http://adsoftheworld.com/sites/default/files/images/Rapala_Billboard.jpg) It's worse than you think! :lol2: Title: Re: Montana billboard starts controversy Post by: ricky023 on March 15, 2016, 04:20:52 AM It could be a 2-sided sign. RTR! You mean it's worse on the other side?? :o It could be a 2-sided sign. RTR! You mean it's worse on the other side?? :o (http://adsoftheworld.com/sites/default/files/images/Rapala_Billboard.jpg) It's worse than you think! :lol2: :lol: :lol: I love it. You guys make my day. :D, This is the way all days should start I just wish it wasn't so early, since I ain't had no sleep. :lol2:, RTR! Title: Re: Montana billboard starts controversy Post by: Chechem on March 15, 2016, 04:38:52 AM It could be a 2-sided sign. RTR! You mean it's worse on the other side?? :oIt could be a 2-sided sign. RTR! You mean it's worse on the other side?? :o(http://adsoftheworld.com/sites/default/files/images/Rapala_Billboard.jpg) It's worse than you think! :lol2: :lol: Indeed, Ricky. Keeps the world laughing. And I'm not sleeping either!! Title: Re: Montana billboard starts controversy Post by: 2Stater on March 15, 2016, 06:43:47 AM Talk about early birds! Preacher, you're never up this early, what's up? Y'all night fishing?
(http://www.henleazeswimmingclub.org/images/anglingpage/eveningfishing.jpg) Title: Re: Montana billboard starts controversy Post by: ricky023 on March 15, 2016, 02:38:28 PM Talk about early birds! Preacher, you're never up this early, what's up? Y'all night fishing? (http://www.henleazeswimmingclub.org/images/anglingpage/eveningfishing.jpg) Naw sir one of them nights with my back. I went over to the VA Hospital in b'ham and got an epidural and it hasn't kicked in yet but they said I had to come back in 6 weeks and get another one between the 2 of them they should help. I ask why can't have the whole thing now and they had a great answer::: Because I was hurting to bad to get them both. I thought oh my gosh, i never heard nothing like that before. RTR! Title: Re: Montana billboard starts controversy Post by: N.AL-Tider on March 16, 2016, 10:41:17 AM Talk about early birds! Preacher, you're never up this early, what's up? Y'all night fishing? (http://www.henleazeswimmingclub.org/images/anglingpage/eveningfishing.jpg) Naw sir one of them nights with my back. I went over to the VA Hospital in b'ham and got an epidural and it hasn't kicked in yet but they said I had to come back in 6 weeks and get another one between the 2 of them they should help. I ask why can't have the whole thing now and they had a great answer::: Because I was hurting to bad to get them both. I thought oh my gosh, i never heard nothing like that before. RTR! Title: Re: Montana billboard starts controversy Post by: XBAMA on March 16, 2016, 10:46:34 AM you get a free t-shirt :dunno:
(http://moldychum.typepad.com/moldy_chum/images/2007/06/04/montana_sucks_tshirt.jpg) Title: Re: Montana billboard starts controversy Post by: ricky023 on March 16, 2016, 10:58:56 AM Talk about early birds! Preacher, you're never up this early, what's up? Y'all night fishing? (http://www.henleazeswimmingclub.org/images/anglingpage/eveningfishing.jpg) Naw sir one of them nights with my back. I went over to the VA Hospital in b'ham and got an epidural and it hasn't kicked in yet but they said I had to come back in 6 weeks and get another one between the 2 of them they should help. I ask why can't have the whole thing now and they had a great answer::: Because I was hurting to bad to get them both. I thought oh my gosh, i never heard nothing like that before. RTR! NALT, I know your feeling. I had surgery one time and it lasted for about a year and my back was worse than it was when they did it. I hurt mine jumping out of perfectly good planes in the Army. lol, usually my shots help 4 to 5 months but this last time they tried to stretch me to 6 mos. and the pain was so bad they could only do a half load because of all the inflammation that had gathered. When I go back in May 10 they do a full because my swelling is down then i hope and Pray to get a full 6 months if I can. They already told me that it will get to where I can't walk and be wheelchair bound but I just keep up Prayers I know works and the one thing I can do from the wheelchair I am thankful for is I can still Preach and pray. That may be all I am good at. rofl. NALT I sure hope and pray your back gets completely healed I don't want to see you or anybody in back pain. RTR! |