Title: ***Tea party 'dog fight' planned for Jo Bonner in GOP primary*** Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 06, 2011, 08:07:18 AM http://blog.al.com/live/2011/09/tea_party_dog_fight_planned_fo.html#incart_hbx
Quote Tea party conservatives unhappy with U.S. Rep. Jo Bonner are promising him a "dog fight" of a challenge in next year’s election. Bonner, seeking a sixth, two-year term in Congress, has come under fire for his 2008 vote for a $700 billion bank bailout. More recently, he drew criticism for supporting a compromise to raise the federal debt ceiling while cutting government spending. "He can say what he wants to, but the proof comes in his voting record," said Orange Beach businessman Dean Young, who announced a primary challenge to Bonner last month. "Saying it doesn’t make it true." Go get em Tea Party. The first time I ever heard of the Tea Party was on tax day, April 15th 2009. Then in the summer of 2009 on July fourth 2008. We were in Florida and saw people with signs standing on the street corners. Then that next spring the Tea Party held a convention in Nashville. Sarah Palin was keynote speaker. Rule of thumb, if the dems are against it, I am for it. If Dems are for it, I am against it. Dems hate the Tea Party and call them racists. Go Tea Party Go. The Tea Party is conservatives that are for responsibility in govt. |