Title: Earn +5 E-Cred for making the front page blog Post by: SUPERCOACH on March 11, 2011, 09:31:33 PM Anyone who starts a topic that ends up getting moved to the front page will get +5. I just gave +5 to ssmith general and Terrie1959 for their posts that were moved to the community blog today.
Any topic in the forum can be moved to the blog if it is particularly interesting or noteworthy. The easiest way is to just post a link to an article with a couple of really good quotes from the article. But there are many times when people in the forum write an original post that deserves to be on the blog. Here are just a few examples I can think of from the old forum: 1. LegalAcidity's post explaining the SEC bylaws as they pertained to the CAM situation, and pointing out clearly that CAM was ineligible to play at any SEC school since he was shopped to Miss St. 2. During the 2009 season someone posted something explaining how you could buy ticket options for the BCS National Championship Game in Pasadena. Many people ended up getting their tickets that way, including me. 3. Pretty much any game analysis post by hscoach. The first post in the topic needs to be at least a couple of paragraphs long, but I won't set a hard requirement for length. There is so much activity on the forum now that I can no longer read a lot of the stuff that is posted. So please help me be on the lookout for topics that are candidates for the blog. I would like to get to the point where we have 3 of 4 really good topics going on the front page each day. As an incentive to help me watch for these, I will also give a +2 E-Cred bonus to the first person to nominate a topic that ends up going on the blog. If you find something that you would like to nominate, just post a quick note over in the Rose Administration forum and I will be sure to see it. You could also send me a PM if you prefer. Thanks. |