Title: Laremy Tunsil apparently admits he took money from coach at Ole Miss Post by: Jamos on April 29, 2016, 09:36:20 PM The plot thickens regarding former Ole Miss offensive tackle Laremy Tunsil.
Hours after a Twitter video showed him smoking from a bong while wearing a gasmask and caused him to plummet in the NFL draft, Tunsil made a startling admission while meeting with reporters in Chicago. Tunsil apparently admitted to taking money from coaches while at Ole Miss. http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2016/04/laremy_tunsil_apparently_admit.html#incart_river_home_pop Title: Re: Laremy Tunsil apparently admits he took money from coach at Ole Miss Post by: Marshal Dillon on April 29, 2016, 09:44:35 PM Yeah, it happened after the Draft but rest assured he will change his story and say he was confused & tired. Ole Miss fans were calling Paul non-stop with excuses.
:popcorn2: |