Title: ***Penn State Football: For Paterno, Alabama Is a Bear of a Rival *** Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on September 06, 2011, 10:01:33 PM http://www.statecollege.com/news/columns/penn-state-football-for-paterno-alabama-is-a-bear-of-a-rival-862245/
Quote Alabama football has a special place in the hearts – and in the pit of the stomachs – of Penn Staters. Especially Joe Paterno. JOE AND THE BEAR Paterno looked at Bear Bryant in many different ways over the years, and as a hero of sorts early in his career. As time went on, they became good friends. Bryant was 13 years older than Paterno, and had already been a head football coach on his second of four stops – Kentucky, after a year at Maryland – by the time Paterno arrived in Happy Valley as an assistant coach in 1950. Paterno knew Bear from coaches clinics and conventions, and would often pick his brain. By the time Joe became head coach at Penn State in 1966, Bear had three national championships and 144 victories. That's quite a head start. Title: Re: ***Penn State Football: For Paterno, Alabama Is a Bear of a Rival *** Post by: Old Tider on September 07, 2011, 06:23:34 AM A really delightful article. Thanks for the link, Coach Hank.
Title: Re: ***Penn State Football: For Paterno, Alabama Is a Bear of a Rival *** Post by: Chechem on September 07, 2011, 06:29:21 AM A really delightful article. Thanks for the link, Coach Hank. Thanks, OT. I didn't read it until I saw your comment. Indeed a good one. Title: Re: ***Penn State Football: For Paterno, Alabama Is a Bear of a Rival *** Post by: pmull on September 07, 2011, 10:04:27 AM That was a very good article. Thanks for posting.