Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => Ferguson Student Center => Topic started by: carl childers on June 18, 2016, 08:42:19 AM

Title: OJ: Made in America
Post by: carl childers on June 18, 2016, 08:42:19 AM
Is anyone else watching this? I got burned out on it when the trial was going on, but this 5-part special had really done a good job giving background and clips never before seen. I also think it has done a good job being fair to both sides - doesn't seem to be using this as a social commentary. I am convinced that OJ did it, but now that I have watched 4 of the 5 episodes, I have a more full understanding why the jury went the way they did. Don't agree with the verdict, but the way the LAPD conducted themselves for decades and with the way they and the prosecuting lawyers bungled their way through the whole thing makes the verdict more understandable.

Title: Re: OJ: Made in America
Post by: 2Stater on June 18, 2016, 11:48:03 AM
I watched the first 2. I'll need to catch up on the rest. Like you, I was burned out on all things OJ, but when the first episode came on, there was nothing else to watch, so I tuned in. It is indeed, very interesting. What it boils down to IMO, is that OJ should have been locked up long before he killed Nicole and Goldman. He was abusive to her for several years, and in the presence of other people at that. OJ was a narcissistic, psychopath when it came to Nicole and she died needlessly.

Title: Re: OJ: Made in America
Post by: ricky023 on June 18, 2016, 12:24:06 PM
I watched that junk back in 1980's and I don't ever watch it anymore. RTR!

Title: Re: OJ: Made in America
Post by: Catch Prothro on July 23, 2016, 05:12:10 AM
I've heard it is good but haven't watched it.  Like ricky, this belongs in the 80s for me. 

As a lawyer, I knew that the DA's office was simply no match for OJ's ace team, and I understood the jury ruling. 

As a human with a scintilla of common sense, I also knew OJ was guilty.

Title: Re: OJ: Made in America
Post by: Chechem on July 23, 2016, 05:23:12 AM
2 bits of evidence that would have convicted OJ:

1.  DNA.  The use of DNA was in its infancy during the trial, so the "ace team" was able to dismiss it.  Today OJ would have fried.

2.  Satellite imagery.  There were plenty of satellite images that could have pinpointed OJ's car in Nicole's driveway at the time of the murders.  The military satellites even could have read his tag #.  Even the lesser environmental and/or weather satellites could have solved the case.  They were never used.