Title: "A soggy state waits for Tide" Post by: Chechem on September 09, 2011, 05:31:08 PM Quote Now, just a day before Alabama and Penn State kick off in remote State College, Pa., flooded roads, soggy parking lots and forecasts for additional rain mean trouble for the long-anticipated game. As many as 100,000 faced mandatory evacuations on the banks of the nearby Susquehanna River, and state transportation officials urged motorists in the eastern half of the state to avoid unnecessary travel Thursday. Regardless, football will happen at 2:30 p.m., Saturday in Beaver Stadium. The impact from the days of downpour will certainly play a factor on the field. http://decaturdaily.com/stories/A-soggy-state-waits-for-Tide,84740 Title: Re: "A soggy state waits for Tide" Post by: BAMAWV on September 09, 2011, 05:49:25 PM Folks in Decatur know what bad weather is and this does not qualify. The Susquehanna crested short of a record set in the 80s (I think) and these cry babies (PSU) want us to give them a pity victory. Well, that won't happen. They need to wear their slickers (white) and shut up. Stomp a puddle in their...
BTW, good thing I am not risking ruining my new elephant suit. Title: Re: "A soggy state waits for Tide" Post by: Old Tider on September 09, 2011, 07:20:59 PM Did we have a downpour game last year? Can't recall the last one.
Title: Re: "A soggy state waits for Tide" Post by: Chechem on September 10, 2011, 05:40:49 AM Folks in Decatur know what bad weather is and this does not qualify. The Susquehanna crested short of a record set in the 80s (I think) and these cry babies (PSU) want us to give them a pity victory. Well, that won't happen. They need to wear their slickers (white) and shut up. Stomp a puddle in their... BTW, good thing I am not risking ruining my new elephant suit. We want pics. |