Title: "This year's Minkah Fitzpatrick? Alabama freshman DB making early impression" Post by: WALL-E on July 25, 2016, 05:09:09 AM This year's Minkah Fitzpatrick? Alabama freshman DB making early impression
Title: Re: "This year's Minkah Fitzpatrick? Alabama freshman DB making early impression" Post by: Chechem on July 25, 2016, 05:55:42 AM Quote Tide All-American safety Eddie Jackson was asked recently which Alabama freshmen have made the biggest impression during the team's summer workouts. He mentioned three. The first two: Carter and fellow freshman defensive back Aaron Robinson. "They can take the coaching, and they come in and compete," Jackson said. "They play fast. If they make a mistake, you come tell them about it and coach them up. They do it right the next time." ... :popcorn2: :popcorn2: :popcorn2: :popcorn2: :popcorn2: |